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Today is Day 279 of 2024

77 days until winter begins

Question of the Day
What kind of car was James Dean driving when he was killed in 1955?
Upcoming Holidays

Child Health Day

Leif Eriksson Day

Yom Kippur Begins

Indigenous Peoples' Day

Word of the Day
Puzzle of the Day

My first is company; my second shuns company; my third assembles company; my whole amuses company. (What’s the word? Each clue is a syllable!)

Seasonal Outlook

“This winter, temperatures will be up and snowfall down throughout most of the United States,” reports Carol Connare, the Almanac’s editor-in-chief.

Next Full Moon

The Full Hunter's Moon, will occur on Thursday, October 17, 2024.

Also, see visible planets and bright stars for your area.

Planting Calendar
Gardening for Everyone

Learn How to Grow a Vegetable Garden

Find our FREE online series of step-by-step guides! Think of it as a “Gardening 101” masterclass with your trusted Almanac gardening experts as your teachers. Learn more!

About the Almanac

What is The Old Farmer’s Almanac? For more than 225 years, we’ve been the go-to resource for everything under the Sun—including the Moon! We may be “old,” but in fact we’re new every year—and even every day. Find out what makes our little yellow book so special.

Welcome to the Almanac’s HQ! We’re located in the tiny village of Dublin, New Hampshire, which is small-town America at its best—complete with Old Glory high atop her pole, a church steeple, the town hall—and New England weather! Check it all out on our webcam.