Today's Calendar
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Question of the Day
What is the celestial equator?
The celestial sphere is an imaginary sphere projected out into space, with the observer at its center. It represents the entire sky, and all celestial objects other than Earth are imagined as being located on its inside surface. If Earth’s axis were extended, the points where it would intersect the celestial sphere are called the celestial poles, being directly above Earth’s poles. The circle in the sphere halfway between the celestial poles is called the celestial equator. It can be thought of as Earth’s equator projected onto the celestial sphere. Astronomers use the equatorial coordinate system for indicating the positions of stars and other heavenly objects on the celestial sphere.
Advice of the Day
If you want to win, return good for evil.
Home Hint of the Day
Generally speaking, if you have a slate roof, leave your roof work to a professional. An experienced roofer has the know-how and the proper tools to do the job without breaking the fragile tiles.
Word of the Day
Moon’s place
Astronomical: The actual position of the Moon within the constellations on the celestial sphere. Astrological: The astrological position of the Moon within the zodiac according to calculations made more than 2,000 years ago. Because of precession of the equinoxes and other factors, this is not the Moon’s actual position in the sky.
Puzzle of the Day
When you speak to a lady, you’ll find that this name read backward or forward is always the same.
- John Winthrop (founder of Mass. Bay Colony) –
- Ludwig van Beethoven (composer) –
- Walt Whitman (poet) –
- Sarah Bernhardt (actress) –
- Margaret Millar (Canadian author) –
- Jan Sterling (star of Hollywood’s film noir movies in the 1940s and 1950s) –
- Paul Hester (drummer) –
- Paul Dana (race car driver) –
- Harry Wesley Coover Jr. (inventor of Super Glue) –
- Geraldine Ferraro (in 1984 became the first woman vice presidential candidate on a major U.S. party ticket) –
- Robert Frost (writer) –
- Tennessee Williams (playwright) –
- Gen. William Westmoreland (military commander) –
- Bob Elliot (comedian) –
- Sandra Day O'Connor (first female U.S. Supreme Court justice) –
- Leonard Nimoy (actor) –
- Alan Arkin (actor) –
- James Caan (actor) –
- Bob Woodward (journalist) –
- Diana Ross (singer) –
- Steven Tyler (musician; lead singer of Aerosmith) –
- Vicki Lawrence (actress) –
- Martin Short (actor) –
- Curtis Sliwa (founder of the Guardian Angels) –
- Kenny Chesney (country singer) –
- Keira Knightley (actress) –
- Congress created the Territory of Orleans –
- North West Company merged with Hudson’s Bay Company –
- An estimated 7.4-magnitude earthquake occurred in Owens Valley, California –
- Popeye statue unveiled during spinach festival, Crystal City, Texas –
- Deadly dynamite explosion in quarry, Sandts Eddy, Pennsylvania –
- The U.N. Security Council met for the first time in New York –
- Dr. Jonas Salk announced development of polio vaccine –
- Perpetrators of the Great Train Robbery were convicted in London –
- North Vietnamese took Hue (Vietnam War) –
- Groundbreaking took place in Washington, D.C., for a memorial to honor American armed forces members killed in Vietnam –
- The U.S. government sold its 85% ownership of Conrail, one of the nation’s largest rail systems, and earned $1.6 billion in one of the largest stock offerings in history –
- The post-perestroika Soviet Union held its first nationwide multiparty, multicandidate elections –
- A 2-pound 5-ounce yellow hybrid bass was caught in the Kiamichi River of Oklahoma –
- Melissa macro computer virus released, disrupting systems worldwide –
- A 12-pound walleye was caught with fly tackle in Manistee River, Michigan –
- Nineteen inches of snow, Chicago, Illinois –
- 28.76” barometric pressure, Omaha, Nebraska –
- The temperature at Allakaket, Alaska, was 69 degrees below zero F –