Can you bake the cheesy potatoes ahead and freeze?
I had to put oven up to 400 & still went past hour put foil on top, waiting to see if good will do 450 next time
microwave potatoes till 1/2 cooked. cool to handle, then cut into thin slices. toss potatoes with flour, chopped onions, cheese, salt, pepper, till coated. put in casserole dish that is sprayed with nonstick spray. put in a can of evaporated milk. sprinkle top with more grated cheddar. if you want bread crumbs, mix them with a small amount of melted butter, then sprinkle them over top. cover with foil that is also sprayed with nonstick spray on the under side to prevent foil from sticking to all the yummy toppings. another add on would be some bacon crumbles over the top, the last 15 min. of cooking. bake on 375 for 1 1/2 hours or till browning is visible on sides, bottom and top. can brown top more by removing foil when it's last 10 min. can also mix in the potato mixture some bell pepper chopped red, green or both or even jalapeno. recipes are guidelines and rules are meant to be broken!
Yumm! Good ideas and I agree, most recipes are guidelines.