Easter Recipes
This is exactly what they do in Spain too!! Must be a catholic thing!!!
I have read your recipe and wonder if I can make this dough with the dough hook on my Kitchen Aide? I'm thinking of making it fo Easter with my family.
Many thanks
Yes, Penny. You can certainly use the dough hook on your mixer. We’re glad you thought of it—much easier that way.
Nonna Lucia used to make Italian Easter Bread every Easter -- it was in the shape of a lamb - with an hard boiled egg right in the center of the lamb. When little Sis and I first saw it we happily yelled "Oh! A HORSIE!!!"
We LOVED the sweet bread. We kept putting off eating the hard boiled egg-- until finally someone would break open the shell and say "Eeeyew! it's GREEEN inside!" and Mom Sylvia would always say "THROW IT OUT! IT's BAAAD!"
lol! Cute story, YTK! I just bought a lamb cake pan from a yard sale. Maybe I'll try your Nonna's recipe! :)