Not sure what is with all the sweetener in so many of these recipes, Maple syrup this, and brown sugar that. We just do squashes on their own merit. Butter, Salt & Pepper is all we ever use. The Pine Nuts (as suggested), or Pecans, look appealing as well.
As to the cutting, I just knock off the stem (generally dry and difficult to cut), and cut lengthwise. It's not easy, just slow & steady. My wife will always have me do it if she is cooking. A 10" slicer is essential.
I stuff my acorn squash with roasted pine nuts and brown rice. I put a little butter & brown sugar in the cups of the squash, then mix the pine nuts and cooked brown rice together and fill the cups of the squash, then bake til the squash is done. Delish!
I love them too. But it is so hard to cut them. I wish there was an easier way.
I just split them and put butter and salt and pepper on them and bake them.
That is a great idea to give the seeds to the animals. I didn't think of that.
Thanks for that idea.
We have baked Acorn Squash; such an easy scrumptious Squash dish to make; use the seeds as bird/squirrels;
I LOVE butter squash, an pumpkin pies in the fall around thanksgiving or an time
if could only, get some one to cut them in half an quarters, which, advantually do.
thank to the farmers the produce them an all vegetables,a dairy for use to live on the
farm an we had more then, enough even the chickens loved the seeds of pumpkins etc. god less the farmers. now an in the coming future, Amen,
All squash is wonderful! A tip for cutting the hard rinds is to poke a couple of holes on either side and zap them in the microwave for about a minute. They should be much easier to cut.
Agree, for butternut squash cut each end off, pierce with knife multiple times into tough skin, then lay squash in a microwave safe bowl and cook in microwave on high for 3 min, depending on size. Be careful when handling, could be hot. Easy to slice through squash using long blade knife.