Bleeding Heart
A Flower Garden Design for Spring, Summer, and Fall Color
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Getting Started with Flower Gardening
Building a Raised Flower Bed Garden
Choosing Flowers
Types of Flower Gardens
Flower Gardening for Pollinators
Growing Flowers in Containers
Spring and Fall Bulbs
Caring for Flowers
I am in zone 7a. Can I plant all of these in early Spring, or should I plant each according to its season?
Yes, this garden design is for temperature regions such as zone 7a. You should still doublecheck with a local nursery or your cooperative extension for more local knowledge! They’re “on the ground,” no pun intended!
Hello, I really want to recreate the 3 seasons planting but I’m struggling to find Delphinium Connecticut Yankee. What would be good alternative please, I’m located in South England.
Hi, Julie, Part of the challenge in locating Delphinum Connecticut Yankee may be your location. Seeds for it appear (on a Google search) to be available in the States. (It was selected as an “All-American Selection” in 1963, which means it’s high-quality and AAS plants are usually almost eternally available; FWIW https://all-americaselections.org/product/delphinium-connecticut-yankee/ and here’s a seed company description [there are others] https://www.redemptionseeds.com/delphinium-belladonna-connecticut-yankee-mix-seeds.html#:~:text=Delphinium%20belladonna%20Connecticut%20Yankee%20Mix%20is%20a%20celebrated%20All%20American,lavender%2C%20light%20rose%20and%20white.).
Coming up with a replacement is not easy—thinking color, height, double flower, and any other desirable features. But I Delphinium Double Stars https://gracefulgardens.com/delphinium-double-stars (this vendor appears to be in New York state). Another is Delphinium NEW MILLENNIUM but the page was only a plant description and the text reads “Selected in New Zealand … ” so it’s not clear where it’s available.
With that, I would only say try larkspur, which is a close relative. We hope this helps!
This is the worst flower garden design I’ve ever seen. Don’t buy it for the plants unless you have a huge area to put them in. The sneezeweed is 5 feet tall and so is the cat mint. The elderberry takes up most of the bed . The daisy falls over. The salvia blooms in spring and is then dormant till fall and looks awful. The geranium dwarfs and covers any annuals I have. It is nothing like I expected. It’s a huge mess and I’m pulling it all out.
My favorite perennials are gladiolus and Rhudbekias. They are at the center of my oval garden and this year I grew all different zinnias from seed as well as French marigolds and planted them from center to front edge with sunflowers coming up through fading gladiolus.
Like this plan a lot! Will it work on west side (full sun) for new construction site?
Great article! I have it book marked now. I have started searching for plants, but most are available as bare roots. Do you know how long will it take for a bareroot plant to establish. Tomorrow I will visit our nearby nursery to see if they will have potted plants instead of bareroots. I am in Zone 7. Thank you!
When I found this article yesterday I knew it was perfect for our front yard. Here's how it went for me... I don't know much about plants but I had to research and try to find alternatives for a few plants I couldn't find at our local nursery. Spent a couple hours shopping around the store for which plants I wanted; if I asked for help I'm sure it would have gone faster. Total cost was about $450 (ouch - but this garden will hopefully be here for years to come so it's worth the investment). Don't forget to buy fertilizer, bulb feed, dirt, weed-mat, drip line, and mulch (or whatever ground cover you are using). Completed the entire project from start to finish in about
7 hours (including shopping) which might be slow or fast - I'm not sure because I don't plant very often.
The amount of flowers was perfect for this spacing. I hope I come across more articles like this one! Thank you! :)
I don't know how to upload pictures but if someone knows a way - I would be happy to.
What a wonderful design. I am in Zone 4 at a high altitude. What is the best time to plant this garden. Thank you for providing.