Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Oregano Plants
- Greek oregano (Origanum vulgare var. hirtum) for cooking.
- Common oregano for decoration (its white-lavender flowers look pretty in the garden and are also used in wreaths).
Cooking Notes
Crush or chop fresh oregano leaves by hand before adding them to a dish to release the flavorful essential oils contained within. Oregano adds savory flavor to pizza, pasta sauce, and Italian soups. But also add oregano to olive oil, vinaigrettes, or marinades for beef, chicken, or lamb. Try it!
For cooked dishes, it’s best to add oregano leaves at the end of the cooking process, or they won’t hold up well. For example, add to the end of cooking hearty vegetables such as eggplant and zucchini.
I cut my oregano before a blizzard and dried it out. Most of the dried leaves are now black instead of green. Does the black color mean they are moldy and unfit for consumption? Or are they okay to store and eat?
If your plant were moldy, it’s more likely to have white or grey spots. Are they really black or brown or dark green? Without seeing them, it’s difficult to be certain, but they are probably dry.
Fit for consumption? This is also difficult to say at a distance, but here’s a thought: It is advised to cut green stems in fall and hang them to dry in a cool, dark, well-ventilated place. When the leaves become dry, it is advised to remove them from the stems and store them in containers. Does this sound like your treatment? your leaves?
You might crush a few, and smell them. Assuming they were not damp, display no mold, and crush (not mash as rotted or damp leaves might), they are probably fine.
Is it ok to dry oregano before the winter, after the plant had flowered already? I missed the harvest time and want to still have oregano for the winter. Will it just be less flavorful?
Leaves on oregano can be used at any stage of growth. In fact, cutting back blooms will stimulate growth.
My little guy grew a plant from seed for me in the spring. Stuck it in a nice sunny window until the hot weather hit and then put it outside - great! Once the weather started turning, I brought it inside and put it in the same sunny window - it's fall sunshine, but it's the best one in the house. Now the little guy is turning brown and shrivelling up - help? My son is heartbroken.
Is this plant oregano (and therefore a perennial)? Was the plant transplanted directly into the ground during summer, or kept in a pot? The plant could be under stress for various reasons—could be transplant shock, from potting up from the outdoors and moving to an indoor location. If so, the plant might recover after a while. Also, some plants go dormant in winter, although gardeners usually can get oregano to produce throughout the colder months on a windowsill. Check for insects that may have come in on your plant, and monitor for disease. If you think the plant is not getting enough light, add grow lights (available from garden centers). Make sure you are not watering too much (allow soil to dry a bit between waterings), and that the pot has good drainage. Also check if it is too close to the glass or in a cold draft. Hope this helps!
When I harvest my oregano is it oK to include the small flowers?
You should harvest only the leaves. If you are harvesting the entire plant, let the flowers set your schedule: Harvest just before the buds open. (If you happen to miss that this year, no worries.)
I have just received a Greek oregano plant in the post from a Lincolnshire company. It is about 9 inches tall and I want to put it in a container on my patio. Can I leave it out over winter or will I need to bring it into my cold greenhouse?
If you're putting the oregano in a container, you can move the pot indoors in the winter. For plants in the ground, you need to protect them with lots of mulch and even a cold frame.