As a new reader who came across your website quite by accident, I was enjoying the recipes and planting info. I even started thinking about subscribing since The Farmer's Almanac was something I had grown up with...kind of like meeting up with an old friend again.
However when I clicked on "Gardening" and then went to see "Bird Feeders", that page's message was a bit rude in telling me that I had "no business being here"...that there was "nothing to see"...and for me to "move along now".
Maybe this was someone's idea of being funny but the 'funny' part did not translate well.
If you didn't want non-subscribers having access to various topics, all you had to do was tell us that those pages were available through subscription only.
For you to say I had "no business being here" AFTER ALLOWING ME to click on "Bird Feeders" was neither humorous, polite, nor professional.
Well, at least you saved me some money.
We’re sorry that you felt the error message was in bad taste—it was indeed meant to be humorous! You got the 403 Error message (“Uh oh, you’re not allowed to be here. Nothing to see, please move along.”) only because the Almanac Store page for bird feeders no longer exists. Whoops! We’ll be sure to remove the link.
Also, please note that NO part of our website is subscribers-only! Our webpages are accessible to all, so no one has to subscribe or log-in to view them.
We hope you’ll stick around!
Almanac Editors
Like Muriel who commented above, I also came across your website by accident. Since then I can’t wait to see your morning posts. Such helpful gardening tips and great recipes! You never seem to run out of interesting information and I’ve learned a lot. Your blog info is so easy to print that I’ve started a gardening book of my own. Thank you for sharing all this with us, and for free! Great website. Great information!
Many thanks, Ruth, for taking the time to share your comment! We are tickled pink and appreciate the kind words (which we’ll pass along to the staff!). Sincerely, your OFA editors