Your recipe for frozen lemonade sounds so refreshing!! Wondering if you would please send me your recipe? Thank you in advance
If you want to make an even more flavorful lemonade, following a centuries-old process, do this: Spread your sugar on a cutting board or other clean surface. Drop whole lemons in boiling water and boil until they are very warm. Remove from the water and let them cool only until you can handle them comfortably. Then, roll the lemons in the sugar; use as much pressure as you can without bursting the lemons. The sugar will absorb the oils from the lemon peel, while the rolling motion will pulp the lemons, helping extract all the juice. Add the lemon-sugar to the water, then cut the lemons and squeeze them in. I learned this method while working at a historical village in Texas.
Please post your recipe!! We are having a Fourth of July picnic for 200 and I'd love to make your lemonade this week! Kim
I have a very similar recipe, which is on a larger scale, that leaves the lemon part, with hot water & sugar & lemon juice & zest, in the freezer 'til you're ready for it. Then you take it out, thaw it, add an equal part of cold water, & then have it. With this one, you can make up a huge batch at once but just take it out of the freezer when you want it. Really good!
The recipe here seems good, although I've never had mint with my lemonade. Something to try. :)
I saw an old post about a recipe you have for freezer lemonade. Would you share it with me please? Thanks so much!
I was wondering if I could get a copy of your lemonade recipe for the freezer
I would love a copy of your freezer lemonade recipe!
Hi Michele,
Would you mind emailing me your lemonade recipe? I like that you can put it in the freezer and take it out when you have the thirst for lemonade. Thank you! Ginnie
Please email me your recipe. i like that you can freeze it for later use.
very good just like mom's.