You’ll never find that sweet strawberry taste as good as the one you’ve grown yourself or picked from a farm. Why? The sugar in berries converts to starch soon after they’re picked. Learn more about how to grow strawberries in your garden or containers.
About Strawberry Plants
Garden strawberries are typically much sweeter and juicier than those found in grocery stores. They are also perennials, so they’ll come back year after year! Plus, they grow easily wherever there is outdoor space and in almost any climate or soil, from garden beds to pots to hanging baskets.
Strawberry Plants Come in Four Types
June-bearing strawberries bear fruit in one go, usually over a period of three weeks. The berries tend to be larger. Despite their name, you can choose from early-, mid-, and late-season varieties that fruit anytime from early to late summer.
Everbearing strawberries (also called perpetual or all-season strawberries) produce steadily throughout the summer and even into autumn. They have smaller berries and are great for making jam or freezing.
Day-neutral strawberries (closely related to everbearers) also produce fruit continuously throughout the season. Insensitive to day length, these varieties produce buds, fruits, and runners continuously if the temperature remains between 35° and 85°F (1° to 30°C). Production is less than that of June-bearers.
Alpine Strawberries: In a little world of their own are the alpine and wild strawberries. These are much smaller plants that form far smaller berries, but they have an almost impossibly intense flavor – perfect for topping your morning cereal, for example! They require less attention than bigger strawberry plants and, once established, will pretty much look after themselves, making an attractive edging plant or even growing out from the cracks or walls. They will naturally self-seed to create a useful edible ground cover.
For the home garden, we recommend June-bearers. Although you will have to wait a year for fruit harvesting, it will be well worth it.
Strawberry plants require 6 to 10 hours of direct sunlight a day, so choose a sunny spot. Otherwise, strawberries are tolerant of different soil types, although they prefer loamy soil that drains well.
Preparing the Soil for Strawberries
To ensure a strong start, add a few buckets of well-rotted manure before planting; you could also use garden compost. If you have clay soil, generally mix in 4 inches or more of compost and rake the clay soil into raised mounds to further improve drainage. If your soil is sandy, simply cultivate lightly to remove weeds and mix in a 1-inch layer of rich compost or rotted manure.
Soil pH should be between 5.5 and 7. If necessary, amend your soil before planting. If soils in your area are naturally alkaline, it is best to grow strawberries in half-barrels or other large containers filled with compost-enriched potting soil. Raised beds are a particularly good option for strawberry plants.
Practice crop rotation for the most success. Unless you plan to amend your soil each year, do not plant in a site that recently had tomatoes, peppers, or eggplant.
Also, note that strawberries and garlic are good planting companions if you wish to interplant. Garlic helps deter pests like spider mites.
Establish new plants each year to maintain high berry quality each season. Strawberry plants will produce runners (daughter plants) that root and grow into new strawberry plants.
Buy disease-resistant plants from a reputable nursery, of a variety that is recommended in your area. You can consult with the nursery you buy them from or with your state Cooperative Extension service for locally recommended varieties.
You can buy strawberries in pots, but also you can sometimes find bare-root strawberries or runners, which offer really excellent value for money. They look fairly shocking, without any leaves and rather scraggly, but don’t let that put you off. Once they hit the soil, they’ll be well away!
How to Plant Strawberries
Provide adequate space for sprawling. Allow for spacing of around 18 inches (1-1/2 feet) to leave room for runners and leave 4 feet between rows. Strawberries are sprawling plants. Seedlings will send out runners, which, in turn, will send out their own runners. (Container strawberries can be planted closer together.)
Plant holes should be deep and wide enough to accommodate the entire root system without bending it. However, don’t plant too deep! The roots should be covered, but the crown should be right at the soil surface. It is very important that you do NOT bury the crown (central growing bud) of the plant, or it could rot. The leaves, flowers, and fruit must be exposed to light and fresh air.
To settle their roots into the soil, water plants well at the time of planting.
Potted strawberries are easy to get right. They go in at the same depth as the potting mix in the container, but for bare-rooted plants, make sure you don’t go too deep or too shallow. If too deep, the plant may struggle and could potentially rot away. If it is too shallow, it will rock about and dry out really easily, creating a weak and brittle plant. You want the crown of the plant where the stems of the leaves emerge to be ever so slightly proud of the soil surface. Learn more about growing strawberries in pots.
Watch this video to see how to plant strawberries in garden beds or containers.
How to Grow Strawberries
The big tip with strawberries is to keep them well watered while they are establishing their roots and during dry weather. Moisture is incredibly important due to its shallow roots. Water adequately, about one inch per square foot per week. Strawberry plants need a lot of water when the runners and flowers are developing and again in the late summer when the plants are fully mature and gearing up for winter dormancy.
Keep strawberry beds mulched to reduce water needs and weed invasion. Any type of mulch—from black plastic to pine straw to shredded leaves—will keep the soil moist and the plants clean. Read more about mulching.
Be diligent about weeding—weed by hand, especially in the first months after planting.
Once strawberries flower, fertilize them with a high-potassium, liquid tomato feed to encourage good fruit production. Plants also benefit from the addition of an organic, general-purpose fertilizer early in spring, as they set into growth, to help power things up for the new season.
In the first year, pick off blossoms to discourage strawberry plants from fruiting. If not allowed to bear fruit, they will spend their food reserves on developing healthy roots instead, which is a good thing. The yields will be much greater in the second year.
Eliminate runner plants as needed. First and second generations produce higher yields. Try to keep daughter plants spaced about 10 inches apart.
Row covers are a good option for protecting blossoms and fruit from birds.
Photo by Yuriy S./Getty Images
Winter Care of Strawberries
Strawberry plants are perennial. They are naturally cold-hardy and will survive mildly freezing temperatures. So, if your area has mild winters, little care is needed.
In regions where the temperature regularly drops into the low twenties (Fahrenheit), strawberries will be in their dormant stage. It’s best to provide some winter protection:
When the growing season is over, mow or cut foliage down to one inch. This can be done after the first couple of frosts or when air temps reach 20°F (-6°C).
Mulch plants about 4 inches deep with straw, pine needles, or other organic material.
In even colder regions, more insulating mulch should be added.
Natural precipitation should appropriately maintain sufficient soil moisture.
Remove mulch in early spring after the danger of frost has passed.
How to Propagate Strawberries
Strawberries produce long, wiry stems called runners with little plantlets along them. You can use these to grow more strawberries by just pinning the plantlets down to the root and then severing them from the mother plant once they have. See our article for details on how to grow more strawberries!
Try planting more than one variety. Each will respond differently to conditions, and you will have various fruits to enjoy.
‘Northeaster’ is best suited for the northeastern US and southeastern Canada. Fruit has strong flavor and aroma.
‘Sable’ is hardy to zone 3, early season, great flavor.
‘Primetime’ is a mild-flavored, disease-resistant variety, best adapted to the Mid-Atlantic.
‘Cardinal’ is a good variety to try in the South.
‘Camarosa’ is a good variety to try on the West Coast.
‘Tristar’ is a day-neutral variety that’s very well-suited for hanging baskets.
When you grow your own, you can peak at the peak of ripeness. No more white strawberries! Harvest only fully red (ripe) berries, and pick every three days.
Fruit is typically ready for harvesting 4 to 6 weeks after blossoming.
Ideally, pick fruits in the warmth of the afternoon for maximum flavor.
Cut by the stem; do not pull the berry, or you could damage the plant.
For June-bearer strawberries, the harvest will last up to 3 weeks. Depending on the variety, you should have an abundance of berries.
How to Store Strawberries
Store unwashed berries in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 days.
Strawberries can be frozen whole for about 2 months.
Watch out for birds! Netting is one option to physically keep them off developing fruits; make sure it’s in place before the fruits start to swell and color up.
The other pest to watch out for is slugs. Set up slug traps among your plants or, for more organic slug-control tips, use beer traps. Spread sand over the strawberry bed to deter slugs (This also works well for lettuce). Pine needles also foil slug and pill-bug damage.
For bigger bugs such as Japanese beetles, spray your plants with puréed garlic and neem seed oil.
The other thing to watch out for is frost early on in the season when plants are flowering. Strawberries are super-hardy, but if a frost gets at the flowers, they’ll turn to a blackened mush and won’t be viable. So, cover flowering plants with row covers or cloches should a frosty night threaten.
Wit and Wisdom
Why Are Strawberries Called Strawberries?
One theory is that woodland pickers strung them on pieces of straw to carry them to market. Others believe that the surface of the fruit looks as if it’s embedded with bits of straw. Others think that the name comes from the Old English word meaning “to strew” because the plant’s runners stray in all directions and look as if they are strewn on the ground.
Catherine Boeckmann loves nature, stargazing, and gardening so it’s not surprising that she and The Old Farmer’s Almanac found each other. She leads digital content for the Almanac website, and is also a certified master gardener in the state of Indiana. Read More from Catherine Boeckmann
Strawberries and other berries require digestion by an animal in order to propagate by seed in nature. This can be duplicated by pseudo fermentation in a weak compost tea, it will still take quite a while to germinate even with the fermentation. Even in nature, the strawberry's primary means of reproduction is "daughtering".
Strawberries are rarely grown from seed by the backyard gardener. The only reason you would seed is perhaps to propagate a rare variety. You normally buy them as small plants. However, if you wish to try growing strawberries from seed, keep in mind that they take a month to germinate and they will not produce until the following years.
I bought strawberry plants last summer and had them inside in a dark space all winter- I just took the pot out and broke off all dead parts and watered the plant well- Will strawberries grow a second year?
Yes, even though strawberries are self-pollinating, you will get better quality and more yield if you allow pollinators access. When the strawberries begin to flower, you can remove the row covers, at least during the day. If the plants are used to being under row covers, you might gradually increase exposure for a few days before removing the cover completely.
I live in Trinidad and i recently decided to try planting strawberries. I got the plants but i dont know what kind. They started sending out runners and i dont know what to do. Do i leave them connected or do i cut them and plant them elsewhere?
Whether you keep the runners will depend on what planting system you use. The matted row system (good for June-bearing strawberries) keeps the runners, allowing them to root freely in rows; this system produces more strawberries, but they may be smaller than with other systems. The hill system (good for day-neutral and everbearing types) would remove the runners before planting, allowing only the mother plants to grow more crowns; this encourages larger strawberries but less of them. There are also other planting systems, but those are two basic ones. For the first year, unless you will be growing the strawberries as annuals, it is advisable to remove the flowers of June-bearing types, to allow the plants to spend their energies on growing roots and runners. For day-neutral and everbearing, usually the flowers would be removed the first year until the end of June, then allowed to flower/set fruit later in the season. (These are guidelines for the United States—I’m not sure how this translates to the growing season in your area.) Hope this helps!
I bought 2 strawberry pots and 20 strawberry quinault roots. Is it good to plant the roots directly in to this type of planter? Or is it better to plant them in a separate container until they sprout then transfer? I already have the PVC pipe drilled with holes in the pots so that is set. Thank you! Have a sweet day!