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Whether you keep the runners will depend on what planting system you use. The matted row system (good for June-bearing strawberries) keeps the runners, allowing them to root freely in rows; this system produces more strawberries, but they may be smaller than with other systems. The hill system (good for day-neutral and everbearing types) would remove the runners before planting, allowing only the mother plants to grow more crowns; this encourages larger strawberries but less of them. There are also other planting systems, but those are two basic ones. For the first year, unless you will be growing the strawberries as annuals, it is advisable to remove the flowers of June-bearing types, to allow the plants to spend their energies on growing roots and runners. For day-neutral and everbearing, usually the flowers would be removed the first year until the end of June, then allowed to flower/set fruit later in the season. (These are guidelines for the United States—I’m not sure how this translates to the growing season in your area.) Hope this helps!

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