Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Blackberries
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Hello, I have grown a Beautiful bush of Blackberries for years ( with out any thing ) and i get nice plump ones back in Return ,, on a fence ( until i asked a farmer who also grew blackberries ( if you want yummier berries to cut it all off and it will grow back ( Bigger and Better than last year ( more fruit and yummier fatties ) so like a Dummy i did just that ( why do i listen to any one ? ( its now about a foot off the grown ( no leafs or any thing , ( did i kill it ? I feel sooo stupid ( I will never listen to that Grower again on pruning , ( His were so FAT and more YUMMIE than mine ( please help ( did i kill it ??? ( I have one more ( that thankfully I didnt do any thing to it ) please i need help , ( I think I really did it this time ) :O(
All is not lost, Patty. Your blackberries should come back. Pruning is a good thing; it’s a question of when to do it (and you do not indicate when you cut yours). Read the information, especially about pruning. Then leave your canes alone. Maybe add some organic material (never hurts).
I want to grow blackberry plant in orchard in place in India.
Where climate is dry. With average 31• and in summers 35-36• can I grow in these conditions.
I highly recommend doing a little research on Israeli techniques for Drip Irrigation. If they can grow Blackberries in the desert lands, you can grow them where you are!
Here's one PDF of Thousands. It may be possible to find this in some other languages as well, by contacting the Milken Innovation Center.
http+://milken<+ >innovation<+ >center.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Leeors-project.<+ >pdf
First time in 6 years, no berries. Cut them back in early spring. Fed them rose food as suggested by nursery. But only a small handful of berries. Last year, I did the same thing as this year and they were LOADED... What am I doing wrong? Thanks for any help you can give me. Linda
Hi Linda,
There are a few reasons why your blackberries are not developing correctly. First, it’s always a good idea to do a soil test to see if there are any nutrient deficiencies, despite having given the soil rose food. Second, you need pollinators (native bees, european honey bees, flies, moths, butterflies) to pollinate your blackberry bushes. If you use any herbicides or pesticides, discontinue their use to make sure you aren’t hurting the pollinators. Lastly, your blackberry bushes may have become infected with a fungal disease, which can affect the production of fruit without showing any other outward signs. Unfortunately, there are no cures for these diseases, so wait until next year to see if your berry production is simply having an off year. We hope this helps!
I bought a thornless blackberry plant from home depot several years ago. Each year there have been many berries on this plant but I have yet to get one that even resembles a sweet berry . It does not matter how long I wait to pick them they are terrible tasting. Thankfully in another area of my yard I have many regular blackberries which I harvest every year for pies and jam . I just thought it would be nice if I could get all thornless berries growing it would be much easier on my hands and arms since the thorned type seems to see me coming and latches on to me with a vengeance.
Any suggestions regarding the thornless berries?
oh, you have Blackberries for jams and Pie? great; I will be over for the Blackberry Pie!; heh-heh; actually I might make Blueberry Muffins! :)
This is a pretty common complaint—er, observation—among thornless blackberry growers. The taste is typically not pleasing, unless the berries are “dead ripe,” at the peak of ripeness (think falling off the cane into your hands). Do you know which variety you have? According to some growers, ‘Osage’ is “superior” tasting compared to other thornless varieties, including ‘Kiowa’ which has been described as good, if dead ripe. You’re lucky to have another berry patch! Perhaps you could combine some from each into your pies and “hide” the taste?? We hope this helps!
About how long does it take the blackberries to turn from red to black?