Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Zucchini & Summer Squash
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- ‘Cashflow’: cylindrical zucchini type
- ‘Cocozella (di Napoli)’: zucchini heirloom; dark green, slender
- ‘Goldbar’: yellow summer squash
- ‘Horn of Plenty’: yellow crookneck type
- ‘Sunburst’: pattypan/scallop type
- ‘Tigress’: zucchini type
Cooking Notes
- Zucchini can be overwhelming once it starts producing. While zucchini bread is great, there are many other ways to enjoy this summer squash! See our Best Zucchini Recipes.
- Squash flowers are edible and make a tasty treat when fried in a light batter.
This is the first time I have grown zucchini. As the plant grows should I try to stake it so that that plant stays off the ground? Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Whether you train zucchini to grow vertically might depend on the space in your garden. If you have the space, it might be easier to just let the plant sprawl. However, growing them vertically saves space and allows more air circulation, which can help deter disease. It does, however, take a little more maintenance, with tying vines, etc. Although there are several systems you might employ, one option is to use a trellis about 5 or so feet tall. You can use strips of pantyhose for ties, and for slings for the fruit. Tie loosely (but with a firm knot) so as not to damage the growing vines.
I have been growing zucchini in a grow box. I have beautiful foliage and lots of male blossoms. I have found so far this year, that the plant will have 4 or 5 females. One will blossom and begin growing a zucchini. But the other flowers, even if you can see the orange blush, will then yellow and die before flowering. Will my zucchini (which is a bush variety) only produce one at a time. We have had 2 grow - one at a time - so far. The growing box said it was good for zucchini. Is there anything I can do? Thank you.
These are the female flowers that are falling off? It is natural for the male flowers to do so, once they have finished releasing pollen. The female flowers that fall off without developing fruit can be because of poor pollination—either there were not enough pollinators (wet or windy weather can deter them), or the pollen itself was poor quality, possibly due to very cool or hot temperatures. In the morning, you might try transferring by hand (using something like a tiny paintbrush or a Q-tip) the pollen from the male flowers (those with a smooth stem under the flower) to the top (stigma) of the center part of the female flowers (those with a small bump at the base of the flower). Also, make sure that your plant is watered evenly—providing mulch can help. Sometimes zucchini will produce lots of male blossoms and only a few female blossoms early in the season. Later, female blossoms will appear in larger numbers. It could be that your plant will catch up soon. Normally, with good pollination and overall good plant health, there will be a few zucchinis growing at the same time.
got several zucchini plants with flowers but no fruits
how to recognize male from female flowers,, how to pollinate manually ?
The male flowers are the ones that open, release pollen, and then fall off the plant. The female flowers stay on the plant; it is from these that the zucchini come…IF the flowers are pollinated. If they are not pollinated, the female flowers fall off without producing fruit.
To pollinate zucchini by hand, first plan to do this in the morning when the flowers open up/are open. Then shake the pollen from a male flowers onto the stigma (center) of the female flower. Or touch a Q tip or swab to the male flower’s pollen then transfer it to the female. Experiment with a couple. Then give it a few days.
Great articles, but for future references I would love to see the ph levels for each vegetable or fruit on the list, maybe after hardiness zones?
Thank you.
A few of my squash are small and orange instead of yellow like the others. Is there something wrong with these?
You’ll find that squash will cross-pollinate with other nearby squash varieties, creating some interesting results, such as orange squash.