Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Zucchini & Summer Squash
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- ‘Cashflow’: cylindrical zucchini type
- ‘Cocozella (di Napoli)’: zucchini heirloom; dark green, slender
- ‘Goldbar’: yellow summer squash
- ‘Horn of Plenty’: yellow crookneck type
- ‘Sunburst’: pattypan/scallop type
- ‘Tigress’: zucchini type
Cooking Notes
- Zucchini can be overwhelming once it starts producing. While zucchini bread is great, there are many other ways to enjoy this summer squash! See our Best Zucchini Recipes.
- Squash flowers are edible and make a tasty treat when fried in a light batter.
my plants are big and full of flowers but will not produce any vegetables
If your zucchini blooms flowers but never bears actual zucchini, or it bears fruit that stops growing when it’s very small, then it’s a pollination issue. Most squashes have separate male and female flowers on the same plant. To produce fruit, pollen from male flowers must be physically transferred to the female flowers by bees. If you do not have enough bees, you can manually pollinate with a Q-tip—or, add nearby plants that attract bees!
my squash plants have soooo many big leaves that covers the squash, is it getting enough sun? Can I cut down those top leaves?
It’s best to keep the leaves. Although the plant as a whole likes sun, the fruit (squash) does not need it, and might actually get sunscald from too much sun, since it had been used to being shaded. Also, when you cut a vine, there is always the chance that diseases will enter via the wound. The leaves are the way the plant makes food for itself, which helps gather energy to put into its fruit. So, as long as space in your garden is not an issue, the more leaves, the merrier!
my zucchini plants were killed by squash vine borers last summer. Would it help to let the area lie fallow for a season?
Crop rotation can help to mitigate pests. See here for more details: http://www.almanac.com/video/how-rotate-your-vegetable-crops
Looking ahead, consider cover crops in fall: http://www.almanac.com/content/cover-crops-us
I Wanted do Squash & Zucchini cultivation in my plant. kindly suggest. where can i sales. kindly help on this..
Squash in the Subtropics
We have growing season all year around, as it usually doesn't get freezes here. In November it gets cooler and night temperatures can drop down to 40, but mostly around 46. Day temperatures are around 72 in December and January. In mid February it starts to warm up again, but doesn't pass 85. It rains in the summer season from July to November. Could I plant squash or melon that need 90 days to maturity now?
I grow in pots on my deck.
I live in northern calif. (the bay area) one
day in like late june i noticed a plant that just started to grow out of a container that i would throw extra dirt and whatever into, like a mulch pile i guess.i let it grow ,turns out its a zucinni plant , its now august and fruit has started to grow, only they are growing way smaller and slower than i remember they should. is this nornal? because its so late in the season? im suprised it even flowered . flowers are normal and lots of fruit, only not any bigger than a skinny pickle. is it the hours of sun light ?
If a flower is not pollinated enough (it requires several visits), it can result in small or deformed zucchinis (such as small zucs with tapered ends, and only a few of the seeds inside maturing); hand pollination will help new flowers along. Sometimes cool weather will slow pollinators, causing inadequate pollination at the time of flower formation.