Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Figs
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When I planted my small fig tree it had three tiny figs. The wind blew them off and now I have no figs. I live in Las Vegas Nevada. The tree gets plenty of sun. When might I expect it to produce more figs?
It is hard to know, and may depend on the health of the plant, pruning, climate, variety, etc. But if your fig normally produces 2 crops per year, it is possible that some may form later in the season. Some figs produce a breba crop in spring/summer on last year’s growth, and then a main crop later in summer/fall on current year’s growth. Others may produce only a breba or only a main crop.
Although many figs are self-fertile, some require a pollinator to set fruit; fruit will drop early if not pollinated correctly. Be sure to water consistently, and shade in extreme heat. Too much nitrogen can also deter fruiting.
great article on growing figs
hi. I bought a very small fig plant and its grown so much. Yet it started to get its leaves yellowish brown and they started to fall off. My little tree is almost without its leaves. I'm starting to panic a little. What can I do to help it. As of right now it's in a pot. I'm thinking maybe I should plant it already. Any advice?
Hi. I bought a Chicago Hardy. Planted it in a pot and it started to grow just fine then died. A few weeks later I bought another one and it did fine. Several weeks later the first one started new growth at the ground. Both have been growing 2 years now. They are in their 3rd summer in SW Ohio. They come in for the winter.
I think you should move it, or you could try the fertilizer mentioned in this article
Thank you. I'm going to do just that. Move my fig tree to the ground and hopefully that helps.
My fig tree is around 20 yrs old and for the last two years it has only a tenth of the leaves and "very little" fruit. Do I need to cut it down or is there something I can do to help it out?
I bought a dwarf and a semi dwarf fig tree, why do they need to be planted 20 ft away from structures and other trees? Thanks!
It’s probably best to check with the grower on the type of fig tree and spacing requirements. For example, the Black Jack Fig is a semi-dwarf tree which grows up to 15 feet tall and 15 feet wide, but can easily be kept to 6 feet with annual pruning. Other semi-dwarfs are larger or smaller.
We’ve often seen fig trees planted in Turkey on the sunniest side of a building. Plant them about 4 feet from the building. Roots of fig trees will not damage masonry foundations of buildings or steel pipe, but they may damage clay sewer pipe. Do not plant fig trees within 25 feet of clay sewer pipe or over septic tank drain fields. If you plant fig trees in a lawn, keep a 2- to 3-foot area around each tree free of grass for à year or two until the tree becomes established.