Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Blackberries
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Would it be possible to grow berries in the sand of Arabian desert?
I have read online that you shouldn't plant tomatoes near blackberries but I cannot seem to find how far apart they should be?
You’re probably not going to find a number, Stephanie. Here’s some help: Tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplant are nighshade plants (nightshade is their family). They do not “get along with” blackberries and can transmit disease (verticillium wilt) to the berries. Also avoid planting blackberries near black walnut trees.
You would be advised to put quite a few feet (even pavement) betw the areas in which you grow these plants. How much…? Well, we’d say a good 20 feet minimum; then add 30 feet for good measure (why risk disappointment?). Consider that some sources advise planting blackberry rows three feet apart, with 7 to 8 feet between the rows.
We hope this helps.
Two questions:
1. How do you keep birds from eating the blackberries before they are ripe enough to harvest? We tried netting on another one of our plants, but a bird got caught in the netting and died so we don't want a repeat of that. If netting is the answer, is there a way to place it to prevent death/injury to birds?
2. This may be a stupid question but it's not obvious to me if the problem of blackberries and tomatoes transmitting disease results from sharing common ground or can be airborne. We have cherry tomatoes and blackberries planted in pots. Should the containers be placed far from each other or is this problem only if they are planted in the soil together?
Thank you.
We live in western colorado zone 5 to 6 and was wondering about summer floricane bearing blackberry such as Natchez or Chester being able to winter over well to produce fruit on 2nd year canes (floricanes)? We would like to have an earlier harvest to compliment our prime Ark Freedom primocane bearing fall harvest variety. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. Gregg
Both Chester and Natchez are rated hardy in zones 6 to 8. They are both excellent blackberries and ripen in early summer.
We live in central florida and in December put in 330 Navajo blackberries one year old plants two questions # 1.. its only feb. and we are seeing berries on most of the plants which are only about one. foot tall. Is this normal? # 2.. Is it safe to use oak leaves as mulch? Thank you
The first crop of blackberries is usually borne on bushy canes. You will notice new upright canes growing next to the canes that have berries on them. These new canes will bear fruit next year. Oak leaves are great for mulching.
I have a blackberry bush that grew well. Trellised along my fence and it reached over 15 feet.
No fruit
It's already growing again and I can't tell if there is a virus?
No leaf discoloration.
If I do remove it, do I need to remove the soil too?
The hanks
You need to prune the bush. The timing of the pruning depends on what type of blackberries you have. See top of this page for pruning advice.