How to Make Elderberry Syrup—And Why Elderberries Are So Good for You!

 Homemade black elderberry syrup in glass bowl and jar and bunches of black elderberry in background.
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Turn Wild Elderberries into a Tasty Syrup

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Elderberries! This year, I made elderberry syrup with these gorgeous, deep purple berries. The sweet syrup is delicious in foods and drinks, and a daily teaspoon is a natural immune booster. Learn more about the power of elderberries and enjoy this simple recipe.

Have you encountered elderberry in the wild? The branches of these humble roadside and streambank shrubs festooned in summer with flat-topped clusters of airy white flowers drip with gorgeous, deep-purple clusters of berries.

Now, you can grow your own elderberry bushes, too. These fast-growing, prolific producers are becoming a must-have in any garden enthusiast’s yard. See where to buy elderberry bare roots

Botanists treat our common American elderberry (Sambucus canadensis) as a subspecies of the European black elderberry (S. nigra), used since prehistoric times for food, drink, and medicine. The plant also boasts a rich folklore

What Can You Make With Elderberries?

In past years, I’ve harvested the flower clusters and battered them into fritters or dried them for winter teas. I’ve used the berries in jams (great with blackberries) and to add crunch to pie fillings. Although I don’t make them myself, elderberry wines and cordials have served humans since prehistoric times to foster health and conviviality.

This year, I made elderberry syrup. Herbalists consider both the flowers and (especially) the berries potent antivirals; they’ve been used for centuries as both preventatives and treatments for respiratory illnesses.

Elderberry and Elderberry syrup
Elderberries and syrup. Photo by Adam88xx/Getty Images.

Harvesting Elderberries

An elderberry patch half a mile down the road yielded so abundantly that I harvested 2 quarts of berries in less than 10 minutes.

It was easy to remove the berries from their stems using a gentle, downward milking motion. Then, I rinsed them in cool water. I’ve learned to wear ratty shorts and T-shirts when handling elderberries, and I take care not to let them scatter on the floor or countertops. Elderberry juice serves as a strong dyestuff that’s difficult to remove once it has soaked into anything porous.

Warning: Only the blossoms and the very ripe, cooked berries are considered edible; raw berries, leaves, and stems contain mildly toxic amounts of cyanogenic glycosides that, when digested, may release cyanide. If you want to use elder flowers or berries, make sure you have identified the plant and its berries correctly. Collect only deep-blue/purple berry clusters that droop downwards and grow from woody shrubs. Don’t collect berry clusters that grow upright, and don’t collect red elderberries.

How to Make Elderberry Syrup

I froze most of the elderberries I harvested, reserving only a cup for making my syrup. Here’s how I did it:

  • First, I put the cup of berries, 3 cups of water, a cinnamon stick, 4 whole cloves, and 2 tablespoons of grated ginger into a stainless saucepan, brought the mixture to a boil, and then reduced the heat and simmered the liquid on low until it was reduced to about half of its original volume.
  • Then, I poured the mixture into a stainless-steel mesh strainer set over a glass bowl and used a wooden pestle to push the pulp through the mesh to separate it from the spices and the seeds.
  • I added a cup of raw honey to the warm elderberry liquid, stirred well, waited for the mixture to cool, and decanted it into a sterilized, 3/4-quart canning jar.
  • After putting a lid on the jar, I set it in the refrigerator. As long as I keep it cold, my elderberry syrup should last the winter.

I’ll take (or administer) a “medicinal” teaspoonful after exposure to a respiratory infection or at the first sign of one and then every 3 hours or so if a cold or flu does attack. The honeyed syrup also makes an effective cough suppressant. The sweet syrup can also flavor a cup of winter tea or top a fruit dessert.

Important Cautions:

  • Collect only deep-blue/ purple berry clusters that droop downward and grow from woody shrubs. Don’t collect berry clusters that grow upright, and don’t collect red elderberries.
  • Don’t eat raw elderberries, and don’t use the leaves, bark, or twigs (even though they have their uses under the care of experienced herbalists).
  • Because honey poses a risk of causing infant botulism, don’t give elderberry syrup to children younger than 2 years old.
  • If you’re pregnant or taking prescription medicines, don’t use elderberry tinctures or syrups without consulting your health professional first.

See our Elderberry Growing Guide to grow your own berry bushes!

About The Author

Margaret Boyles

Margaret Boyles is a longtime contributor to The Old Farmer’s Almanac. She wrote for UNH Cooperative Extension, managed NH Outside, and contributes to various media covering environmental and human health issues. Read More from Margaret Boyles

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