These are the bomb diggity dog! Never have I repeated a recipe as frequently as this one! Bravo! Well done!
Can these rolls be frozen - either before or after baking? The recipe makes far too many for just my husband and myself
Hi, Marcia. Yes, you can freeze them for baking at another time.
This sounds so good and I would love to make them if I didn't eat low carb. It would be nice if you did some healthy low carb recipes, now and then. I know I would sure love it and I'm sure others out there would love it as well that eat a healthy diet and not the Standard American Diet (SAD) that most eat.
Low Carb Flours in Our Keto Kitchen: Coconut Flour. Almond Flour.
There have been many times when I have wanted to print out a recipe for use later, but have not found a printer friendly option on your link, and have just scrapped the idea. I rarely even look at your recipes now as it is frustrating to want to work with them and be unable to print them. So it is with this one. :( I can cut and paste, but rarely take the time to do that, and the pictures don't come through well when I do - at least for the most part. Can you please adapt your recipes to include a printer friendly option? Pretty please????
Hi Karen, I'm having the same problem you are. So what I do is, I take a picture of the recipe, and then send the picture to my email, so I can print it out at a later time.
Hi, Karen. Right below the title of the recipe you will see several colorful buttons. The green one is the print button.
I'm not seeing any colorful buttons. No print option. I always have to cut/paste and that sucks.
Hi, Christine. The buttons are found underneath the recipe photo to the right.