Could it be that the antiquity of the 7 day week, lays in the fact that is was originally observed when archaic humanity followed only a lunar calendar. With the 7 days observed and followed to mark the four Lunar phases in its monthly cycle.
Yes! Exactly! 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 = 1 Lunar Cycle of 28 Daze! And 4 = "Them"! Thee "Fore" Sevens ("Weaks") IN Each & EVEry "Won" Of Them (months)... "Their" ARE 4 "Horsemen" or 4 Arch Angels. PregNancy AND Birth! "Four" ALL IT's Worth! Life! Coming! IN TOO! Death AND Dying. Good? "Ore" Evil? To "Be"? Or "Knot"!
The biblical book of Genesis does indeed record God creating the universe. It is interesting to note that, in the holy scriptures, when the Hebrew word yom is used in connection with reference to night time, it means a twenty-four hour day. When yom is used in connection to a reference to day time, it also means a twenty-four hour day. So, in Genesis chapters one and two, when Moses, by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, used the word yom in reference to night AND day, it absolutely means a twenty-four hour day. God created the universe in six literal days, and He did no work on the seventh day, because His work of creation from the beginning was "good" and "ended" . This sets a pattern for everyone to work, but to set aside a day of rest. Thank you.
I do not think there was ever meant to be a calendar set any precise way. It was dark before light, this is called night. Then there was day when the sun rose and then set. That is one day. No day is the same length they are ever changing. So from that we should be calling a day cycle from set of sun, to rise of sun. Not a time on a clock such as 12 pm to 00:01 am That is why we have Leap year and Daylight savings time to fix the mess made for a set time for a day. I would say we should go to that for the days and see what happens. That is how was meant to be I believe. Then there were Signs and Seasons for the rest of the things we needed to know.
You have no understanding of the derivation of the numerical system for timekeeping of the days nor do you understand the calendar and cause for leap years. You are completely wrong. You need to educate yourself.
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."( Genesis 1:1) . This opening statement of the Bible stands alone, indicating no distinct period of time related to the creation of "the heavens and the earth."( A reference to the entire universe) From verse 2 onward, Genesis chapter one discusses the six creative 'days' during which God evidently prepared the-already-existing-earth for human habitation. These six creative 'days' could have lasted for thousands of years. The Bible account of creation, thus, does not conflict with scientific conclusions about the age of the universe. [Compare Genesis 2:4 for the figurative use of the word "day."]
Your mention of Earth being Gods place to put creation asserts a gap that God couldn't do Creation in 6 days, and then take a rest. The Bible says, evening and morning and it was the 1st day. So the earth was rotating, and in that 24 hour period, we have evening and morning. Jesus did not need 'gaps' for His creation, He is God, all knowing and able to speak creation into existence, 'Is Genesis History' video series explains it all very well, very well. Also, the rest on the 7th day shows man that he will need a rest, we are not God, but we need rest, and God put in place a 'holiday' to allow reflection and worship toward a perfect God so we could give glory to the God who deserves it.
The 24 hour day, was not created until the Sun was made on the fourth day. Therefore, the first 3 days were not 24 hours.
It depends on biblical consistency. Do we consider time to be constant? Then you find biblical accounts of time changing like Joshua calling on the sun to stand still and Hezekiah asking the prophet to make the sundial turn back 10 degrees. The point is that, a belief in God's time, as explained by God in His world, appears to be the most consistent. How do we determine time by the sun's evidence if the Creator creates time as He chooses?
Yes, the "gap theory" can explain the age, but not the fact that the overwhelming scientific evidence is that species evolved, and did not all begin spontaneously. Nor can it account for details like plants being created before the sun.
The beginning of Genesis was not INTENDED to be literal. Efforts of modern people to figure out some way where it makes literal sense not only don't work, they are counter to the actual literary intentions of the author.