If you think of the year as 52 weeks rather than in terms of months, it works out:
2 weeks = 1 fortnight
4 weeks = 1 month
13 weeks = 1 quarter
26 weeks = 1 semester
the basic structure is fine, but there are a number of details that could be improved.
counting days/months/years from 0 rather than 1 makes the clock and calendar numbering systems the same. It also avoids imposing Roman month names on a world that is predominantly not Roman.
using Dec 21 as the day outside of the months (and Jun 21 as the leap day) aligns the calendar with the seasons
theAbysmal Calendar's put a lot of work into this over the past 20 years.
you can not have a non day
"oh whens your birthday" "I dont have one, I was born on a nonday, there for I never have a birthday" "to compensate me for this, the governments makes sure I dont work, I am treated like royalty, but again, no birth certificate, means no passports, ssi card etc erc
The idea of 28 days and thirteen months seems good in paper, but religious people (e.g. Jews) are going to find problems with it, especially if the "extra" day is not associated with a month nor with a day of the week. The same goes with the second "world holiday" during leap years. Another problem is that thirteen sometimes has an association with bad luck. Twelve does not.
why should the global calendar be beholden to any one belief system?