
Halloween Apple Monster Mouths

The Editors
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These Apple Monster Mouths make an easy (and healthy) Halloween treat. Kids love funny snacks with faces, and you can make them together for a family activity. 

If you wish, add bright raspberry jam to the mouth. Just spread inside.  Or, spread peanut butter!

We used almond slivers for the teeth, but you could also use pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, candy corn, or whatever you wish!

1 apple
slivered almonds
optional: lemon juice (to keep apples from browning)
minature marshmallows

Quarter the apple. On the skin side, cut out a wedge, without slicing through to the core. 

Optional: Dip apple in lemon juice to keep from browning.

Push almond pieces into the top and bottom portions of the wedge cuts. 

Break a toothpick in half and stick each half into the top of an apple section. Push a marshmallow onto each toothpick. Makes 4 per apple.

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The Almanac Chefs

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