Try adding a bit of nutmeg. My secret ingredient. Just enough to be noticeable, but not recognizable. ;-)
I use Mayo, smidge of honey dijon mustard and bread and butter pickles (finely chopped, juice dribbled in) . Family begs me for them :) Quick and easy.
I use dill pickle juice in my deviled eggs. With an electric egg beater, it makes the filling more creamy. I suppose vinegar would work but I really like the flavor pickle juice gives.
Air Fryer, 270 for 16 min.
Used to use deviled ham - kind with a white label and and a red devil - plus Miracle Whip. but now the hams are so overly salty - wish I could make a better one somehow as I used to really enjoy deviled eggs
Isn't the classic deviled eggs made with deviled ham in them? Hence the name deviled eggs. The rest is pretty much the same but some of it is dependant upon peoples taste.
The “deviled” in deviled eggs OR deviled ham or anything else deviled really just refers to mustard, pepper, or spices. Today, it can also mean “stuffed.”
When I was growing up, (so like the 50's.60's) my mom used the mayo, mustard, salt and pepper and vinegar...... started out with just white vinegar, then cider, then wine vinegar. I later did variations of Asian vinegar as well, and used mostly Hickory Farms sweet hot mustard, occasionally I will put curry powder in them also, it's a nice change. Now my husband thought I was nuts on the curry (same with vinegar) but then one day I made a batch with the curry (I'd already convinced on the vinegar) didn't tell him but he loved them and was amazed when I told him curry powder.
Sometimes when I'm lazy I just chop up the eggs into a bowl, add ingredients and its a deviled egg salad. Oh darn now I want some!
Your recipe sounds like mine....mayo, mustard cider vinegar, salt and pepper. I don't care for any spices mine....really like the vinegar taste and so does my family and who ever else always asks for me to make them. I put my eggs ( usually jumbo) in cold water with about a tsp. of baking soda, bring just to a boil on high heat then turn it down to as low as possible, set the timer for 20 minutes, Voila! And I don't get the green yolk this way either. It works for me so I stick to it. Then they get dunked in cold water and I spank them with a heavy spoon to crack them a bit so the cold water can seep in. A spoon to help take off the shell really works good also and you turn it over to imitate the shape of the egg and it helps to peel them. Good luck everyone!
I cook mine in the pressure cooker for 5 min, let sit in the cooker after its done for another 5 min and then i put them in ice water for 5 min then peel. Cut your eggs in half and put the yolk in a zip lock baggy and mash them with your fingers from the outside the bag. Add the rest your normal ingredients in the bag and mix through the bag. Cut the tip off the corner the bag and pipe into the egg white. Easy to make. From fridge to cook and back to fridge in less then 25 min. Why get dirty a bunch of dishes when you can use the zip lock bag to mix everything in then pipe into the egg white and toss the bag when your done?