Planting, Growing, and Caring for Phlox Flowers
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My phlox seem to be finished with blooming. Should I deadhead to reinvigorate blooming since in Mid-Michigan we may have 2 more months of summer weather?
cutting back Phlox
Some of white phlox paniculata came up taller and bright pink this year. Is there a way to encourage the phlox to stay pink?
According to extension experts, some phlox blossom colors seem to change because the original plants are replaced over time by vigorous seedlings that have different blossom colors—typically pink or lavender. So, I would expect the pink phlox more likely to stay than white!
Rabbits chewed off my phlox stems before they bloomed (very early June). Will they regrow and still bloom this this season?
I planted my creeping phlox from plants about 4-5 years ago. Last year and worse this year they have started dying out from the center out. I this normal or what can I do to keep them going. Love them. Thanks.
First time growing so would appreciate your reply
Can I take a transplant from a tall phylox while the plant is still growing? Can I dig a small transplant fom the existing plant before it blooms?
Hi Edna,
It is a good idea to divide your phlox every 3 to 4 years. It will reinvigorate your plants.
Since tall phlox produces flowers in mid- to late summer, you can divide it in the spring before new growth begins. But since that time has already passed, you can divide it in the fall after the flowers have faded, but well before the threat of frost to give it time to establish.
When dividing, make sure each division has at least 2 or 3 shoots with roots attached.
Can pllox spread if a landscape cloth is used and rocks put around them?
Thanks, Sheila