Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Garlic
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Cooking Notes
- Learn how to make your own garlic powder to easily spice up a recipe.
- Roasted garlic bulbs are also a favorite of ours!
- Around the summer solstice (late June), hardneck garlic sends up a seed stalk or scape. Allow it to curl, then cut off the curl to allow the plant to put its energy into bulb formation. Use the scapes in cooking the same way you would garlic bulbs. We like to stir-fry scapes the way we cook green beans—similar, with a spicy kick! Note that they get more fibrous and less edible as they mature.

The squirrels ate the greens as soon as they were up. They ate everything this summer including tomatoes and beets. Going to be a bad winter.
Goodness. We’re so sorry to hear that, and we know how much work you must have done during the planting season. Did they eat garlic scrapes? Usually, garlic and onion are planted near gardens because it’s so unpleasant to squirrels and other pests and deter them from eating. See tips for keeping squirrels out of the garden for next season. You don’t mention where you live, but the good news is that a mild winter is predicted for most of the U.S. and Canada in 2024–2025.
Great article on planting garlic. Just 2 sticky points, though...
1) You state early on (under "Planting Garlic - From a Clove") to plant 3 weeks AFTER first frost date, then a bit later (under "When to Plant Garlic"), 2) You state in those same sections, respectively, that garlic "needs a cold period to grow—about ten weeks before 45°F (or 8°C)" and it "does best if it can experience a 'dormancy' period of colder weather—at least 40˚F (4°C)—that lasts 4 to 8 weeks." I would really appreciate clarification.
In addition, as a first-time garlic grower, I think I put mine in several weeks late and I am very concerned about getting any harvest at all - I put them on Nov. 1 in Zone 4b (zip code 82834). Have I completely screwed up???
Thanks for writing, Kerry, and apologies for the confusion. We have updated the text above to ensure it’s clear and consistent. We also added a chart to show approximate dates for different planting times by zone. We hope this is helpful.
Thank you!!!
Hi, great site. One of our favorite things to do with the scapes is make garlic scape butter and freeze it, great for so many things, add other herbs as well!
Hello Catherine, would it be okay to put chopped garlic in an ice cube tray, top it up with oil and freeze? I would then put the frozen cubes in a freezer ziplock bag for further use? Thanks, Joanne
Hi, Joanne. Excellent idea! You should also coat the bottom of each compartment with some oil before adding the chopped garlic.
Totally irresponsible to not even mention botulism while encouraging this practice. Does the Farmer's Almanac encourage creating your own canning recipes also?
In the article it recommends to separate bulbs for a few days before planting. In Ben’s video he says to plant immediately after separating.
Can you give additional clarification?
Love your articles!