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Chrissie (not verified)

7 years 4 months ago

I love gardening, but I'm really bad at it! I found a potato at the back of the fridge, and it was growing. I am currently in Economy Mode, where I try not to waste anything, so I stuck my spud into my patio tub outside and watered it. This was 2 weeks ago - mid August 2017, and ... EEK! It's actually growing! I had no thought processes about this. No soil preparation or anything I just stuck it into the tub, I don't even know if it was looking up or not. And it's growing! Sometimes, things are just meant to grow, in spite of me. Thank goodness. I'm watering it regularly, even though the rain is persisting down. It's summer here in Blighty! Of course it is. And my potato is growing!!! Woo hoo!! Wouldn't it be funny peculiar, and funny ha-ha, if I actually had potatoes on the end of this plant?

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