Natural Sunburn Remedies: How to Get Rid of a Sunburn
Try Lipton tea bags. Moisten the tea bag(s) and place it on the burn area for a half minute move it over and repeat over your sunburn. But as noted below aloe works also. I also use “Triple skin oil” from Ascended Health to help heal the skin
Great tip; thanks for sharing!
I have tried them all, and NOTHING works as well as 100% pure aloe vera gel. It takes away the redness, removes the heat and prevents me from peeling, and keeps the area from becoming sore!!! I apply it as soon as I get out of the sun and have taken a shower. Shower with warm, NOT HOT, water, as this will only exacerbate the burned area(s)!!! Apply a good moisturizing oil, BEFORE going into the sun, but most of all, be wise about how long to stay exposed to the sun, without wearing protective clothing, e. g., hats and long-sleeved shirts. Use your sanctified mind so that you can enjoy the summer without a discomforting sunburn.
Make a mixture of organic coconut oil and raw honey, local if possible. Spread on affected area. If applied as soon as possible, this usually keeps the area from blistering. It works on my grandkids. We've been using this for years.
Good old fashioned Milk of Magnesia works very well for sunburns. Keep a bottle in the refrigerator and apply as needed.
Put 1/4 cup of cider vinegar in a bowl of ice water and dip wash cloths in the mix, wring out and place on burned are until the cloth is no longer cold. Repeat until the the heat has been drawn out of the burn. It works like a charm.
I have tried the boiling water and salt and its works. Am very happy about how I feel with my eye immediately.
Regards Hashmanis.com.pk/
Do not use full strength peppermint oil! Noxema (or any generic) medicated cream always worked well for me. Aloe vera as well. I had a huge blister on my hand once (the size of a quarter) from swinging a hammer all day. We wrapped it with an aloe leaf and the next morning the blister was gone!
Thank you for your feedback: We have revised the text so that it is clear one should use a diluted solution of peppermint oil. Thanks, too, for the aloe leaf tip!
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