Do you have your cloves in the ground yet? Garlic is incredibly useful in the kitchen and surprisingly easy to grow in the garden. The best time to plant these tasty bulbs is in the fall. Learn how and when to plant garlic to maximize your harvest!
When to Plant Garlic
Fall is traditionally the best time to plant garlic in most regions. A good rule of thumb is to not plant garlic until after the autumnal equinox in late September. Just like onions and other plants in the Allium family, garlic is sensitive to day length and matures during the longest days of summer. Fall planting gives it a jumpstart on the growing season, and it will be one of the first things to come up in the garden next spring.
Garlic is extremely easy to grow, but good soil preparation is necessary if you want to produce the best and biggest bulbs. They need deeply cultivated, well-draining, rich soil with a pH of 6.4 to 6.8. Add 2 to 3 inches of compost and well-rotted manure to the bed before planting.
Use quality seed garlic and plant several varieties just in case one does poorly. Separate the cloves no more than 48 hours before planting to keep them from drying out. The largest cloves will produce the biggest bulbs. Plant individual cloves, peels intact, pointy end up, 2 inches deep and 6 inches apart.
Mulch 5 to 8 inches deep with seedless straw. It will pack down over the winter to about 2 inches by spring and help to keep the weeds down during the growing season. Your garlic will form roots, but little or no top growth before the ground freezes solid.
Garlic emerges in the spring.
Early next spring, your garlic will be ready to grow, sending up tiny green shoots as soon as the ground thaws.
Caring for Garlic Plants
Feed the plants every other week with a liquid fish emulsion fertilizer from when shoots emerge in early spring until approximately June 1. Water is critical during the bulb-forming stage in early summer, so give your plants 1-inch per week, including rainfall.
If you are growing hard-neck garlicāthe best type for the northeastāaround the summer solstice, your garlic will send up a seed stalk called a scape. This should be cut off to encourage the plants to put all their energy into bulb formation.
Garlic scapes.
These stalks curl into a loop and are delicious. Chop them and add to a salad, stir-fry, soup, scrambled eggs, or any dish you want to enhance with a little garlic flavor. Processed in the blender with a little olive oil and Parmesan cheese, they make especially good pesto.
Leave one or two flower stalks standing to help you decide when to harvest your garlic. About 4 weeks before harvest, the outer wrappers on the garlic bulbs start to dry, so stop watering in July. Too much water at that stage can stain the wrapper or even cause mold.
Garlic Pests and Diseases
Not too many pests bother garlic but donāt plant it where you have had trouble with wireworms or nematodes. Disease is more of an issue in poorly draining soils. See our Pest & Diseases Pages for more information.
How and When to Harvest Garlic
Harvest your garlic around the end of July or early August, when the lower third to half of the leaves have turned brown and wilted, but the upper leaves are still green.
It can be tricky deciding exactly when to harvest, which is where the flower stalks can come in handy. If the leaves start turning brown and the scapes uncurl and stand up straight, it is time to harvest. Learn more about harvesting garlic.
Storing Garlic
Hang bunches of newly harvested garlic to dry in a cool, well-ventilated, shady spot for 3 to 4 weeks to cure. After the leaves, roots, and outer wrappers are completely dry, brush off any loose soil, trim the roots to 1/4 inch, and cut the tops back to an inch or two above the bulb before storing. Under optimum conditions of near freezing temps and 65 to 70% humidity, hard-neck garlic will keep for 5 months and soft neck for 8 months.
Labeled garlic ready for storageāor use!
Save your biggest cloves to replant for next year. Old-timers say garlic ālearnsā because it adapts to your growing conditions and improves yearly. Grab life by the bulbs and plant some garlic this fall!
Hi, Elizabeth. You should move your garlic bed every two years. So if this is only your second year growing garlic, you can put it in the same spot. But next year, you should find a new place to plant your garlic.
I planted my garlic in the Fall it grow all winter by Spring it was tired started dying back . After all the green was gone I dug a few up. They looked like octopus. Not filled outš³. They broke apart I pushed all that back down. I live in southeast Arkansas. Why and what do I do now?
I have read that I am able to plant garlic in a container in as long as I use proper spacing and a larger enough container. Since I do live in a climate where freezing does occur I assumed I should put down mulch? Prior to any freezing event should I go ahead and bring the container inside our so the container does not freeze and maintains warmth? I can/would have the ability to move into our heated garage if needed? Thank you for your assistance.