The Full Moon's Effects on Your Behavior, Mood, and Health
I don't know about other people so this is my experience. I am 67 yrs old and for as long as I remember, I have trouble sleeping a couple of days leading up to a full moon until a couple of days after. When asked how I explain it, I respond that if humans are 50%+ water, why wouldn't we be affected by the moon like the ocean tides are. I used to fight it and try to sleep but now I embrace it and that improves my mood.
It’s just the psychological affect, not actually the moon itself. The affect of the extra light falling on the earth. EVERY moon is a full moon you just can’t see it a lot of the time. Shining a torch on something doesn’t affect what it does on you.
I'm a retired critical care RN with 36 years of experience, I practiced in hospitals, and in prehospital (EMS) environments. I have experienced, observed and researched the effects of the full moon on humans. I believe our body composition does play a role. Here are a few clinical facts; women go into labor in higher numbers during a full moon, consider the content of amniotic fluid. Heart emergencies occur more often. Suicidal tendencies (calls to hot-lines, attempts) increase. Domestic incidents are reported more often. Psychiatric patients (clinically diagnosed) are shown to "act out" against themselves and/or others. In my personal observations, my 2 cents, emotional outbursts are more prevalent, sadness, anger, feelings of doom. I can't explain why these things seem to happen around the Full Moons. Some, as I've stated are factual, others are just my experience over the years.
Thank you to The Farmers Almanac for all the informative articles and for raising my awareness. I truly appreciate your work and for the opportunity to continue to learn.
Where is the data to back up what u say? Surely there are numbers showing increase you speak of right ? Surely you did actual tests right ? U presenting things as facts but not laying out the parameters of the tests and experiments ..or are these just merely things you noticed ? That's not an accurate way to measure or test anything btw..so when you say suicides are up and such where is the data to back up your words? I'll wait but honestly I've actually studied and tested many of these things and I've yet to see real data that backs up what many of y'all saying ..could just be anecdotes honestly ..it's just saying things are up as a fact is really dumb when you can't prove it to be a fact without the tests and numbers and results ..so surely you have some data right ? You aren't just talking out of you know where right ? I sure hope not we have enuff of that on earth
I completely agree with you. From what I have observed, the moon does play a role in human behavior. Ive been researching this sporadically for a couple years and i wish there was more research to prove the effects it has on humans. I've only
been a nurse for 10 years but have been
observing people's behaviors leading up
to the full moon for a while. I worked corrections for 2 years and we always had
flares in psychiatric problems and increases in violence between inmates the night before the full moon. I've been in labor and delivery for the past 9 years and every single month without fail it is the busiest night of the month is the night before the full moon. The night of the full moon itself, things seem to calm
down but the 2 nights before it are
always crazy. 2 nights before the number of delveries increase significantly, the night before the full moon we have so many deliveries we struggle to get through the night. We also have Higher
numbers of precipitous labors and more
women who spontaneously rupture their membranes the night before the full moon. I cant find a lot of scientific evidence to prove this but i see it month aftwr month every year. I also see changes at home in my significant other. He has some mental health issues and his mood drastically changes before the full
moon as well. Insomnia, extreme
agitation and outbursts of anger. Every
time I witness this change, I look up the
next full moon and sure enough, it is always 2 nights before the full moon that he acts this way. I've seen this happen every full moon for 7 years.
Being in retail all of my life, I can attest to "full moon" craziness. During my teen years my family had a neighborhood grocery. My dad would comment on the "moonies". Later when I worked for a major department store I experienced the behaviors and my more seasoned managers and co workers said it must be a full moon. So on and on the notion of full moon behavior continues whether perpetuated by myth or experiences thrives. Even today I find myself staying "in" on full moon cycles to avoid trouble.
Having run a steak house restaurant for many years I know that the Full Moon causes people to act strangely. My employees and I always dreaded the Full Moon. Sometimes it was just funny but sometimes it wasn't nice. Other restaurant owners said the same thing.
I've been an elementary school teacher for 25 years. I don't need to keep up with the moon cycles because the kids let me know. They are generally louder, more hyper and fidgety, and generally out of sorts. There is definitely a certain "feel" (like a sort of buzzing energy) to a school around the coming of the full moon. And if this coincides with stormy weather of any sort, you can expect to need a glass of wine when you get home.
I have noticed for the last couple of years that my sleepless nights always come around the full moon. Nice to know I'm not crazy as a loon!
I've been an elementary school teacher for 25 years. I don't need to keep up with the moon cycles because the kids let me know. They are generally louder, more hyper and fidgety, and generally out of sorts. There is definitely a certain "feel" (like a sort of buzzing energy) to a school around the coming of the full moon. And if this coincides with stormy weather of any sort, you can expect to need a glass of wine when you get home.