Learn About This Mysterious Appalachian Folklore
Interesting! Thanks for sharing. I have seen, but never saved any myself -- nor was I even aware that had a meaning assigned to them. Have come across when going through items of deceased family in the past (one in a trunk and another in a jewelry box). Likely the significance died with those two before its meaning and to whom it had belonged/died could be passed down. Regret not saving them a bit now, but pleased to understand why they'd been kept now. Mystery solved.
I think these "Heavenly Crowns" are formed naturally. Some feathers are curved which could form a circular pattern ... smaller, softer feathers could gravitate into the centers of these "crowns." Also, if a person has lain on that same pillow for many years, the oil in one's own hair could soften up the feathers even more resulting in a ball type form. I love feather pillows and I have one that is pretty old that bunches up in areas ... only thing is ... I'm still alive and healthy. It is definitely a wonderful story that I truly enjoyed. You Just Never Know !!! May God Bless !!!
Never heard this before. Fascinating.
I have two feathers crowns that was found in my grand dad. My older sisters tore open the pillow the day of his funeral. They found 2 of the crowns and mother said that grandpa had 2 because he had a double crown in his hair.
I have the feather crown of my paternal grandmother's twin died young in West Virginia. It is over 120 years. I am unsure what to do with it. I have seen what the Smithsonian displays and what I have is much larger, heavy and quite tightly spun.
Jeannie, As a child I heard my mother say that her mother passed away and a "Crown of Feathers" was found in her pillow. Do you have a picture of yours? If so, I would like to see it. Thanks.
Hallo , I have a feathered crown on my coat of arms . I can,t find what it means ,any ideas? G.F.Bloomfield
I have my grandfather's crown. Is my belief that when we die our spirit leaves the body thru the crown of our head and spirals thru the feathers creating the crown. My grandmother knew this and had the mattress and pillows remade at a mattress factory with specific instructions to look for the crown. They found it and saved it for her in little box. After her death I became the owner and still have it(somewhere)