I cannot get hard, old or smoked cheddar here. I can find a hard white cheese with oregano, which I mix with the not so tasty orange cheddar and any hard european cheese I can find. Once, at home in Canada I had some hard cheddar but not enough. I did have some jarlsberg and asiago to makeup what I needed. too delicious!
Anyone can be a Vegetarian one day a week; one does not need to be a vegetarian or vegan to reduce meat; have a meal with a vegetarian bean chili or a free range egg omelette;
Vegetarians eat Cheese with no Rennet; eat non fertilized eggs; no meat; poultry or fish; some Vegetarians eat Fish; they are "Pescatarians"; a Semi-Vegetarian does not eat meat; eats Fish + Poultry; an Intermittant Vegetarian is a Vegetarin at times; Vegans do not drink milk eat eggs;
wow yammy tasty recipes i like super creamy mac and cheese good for heath and eat
I happen to love the taste of heavy cream in mine...talk about creamy! I used about half a cup, and the rest was milk. My daughter doesn't like onions, so we have to leave them out, unfortunately. And since we had leftover ham from Thanksgiving, I cut up the slices to bite size pieces, and added them...yummy.
Super yummy!
Special recipe
Well, hell. I'm a vegetarian, so I'll have to sub the chicken stock. Small matter. And for the cheese, I'd say used a good smoked cheddar.
It'll rock your world...
If your a vegetarian and can't use chicken stock then what are you using for cheese? That comes from cows??
Perhaps in a nut shell: vegetarians can consume products the animal naturally produces like milk, cheese and eggs if the animal is ethically treated. Vegans consume no animal products or food made with "anything with a face". (This is how a vegan friend refered to it.)