Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Asparagus
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Cooking Notes
A simple and easy favorite when it comes to asparagus is asparagus soup.
Can I have a measurement in inches as to how short to cut off browned finished plant in fall? We are in northern Lancaster co pa.
I planted my crowns almost 4 weeks ago using the trench method and covered with approximately 2 inches of soil as per recommended. We have had a cool wet spring that my broccoli is loving, but should the crowns be taking this long to emerge? We finally have many sunny days forecasted. Should I wait for those and see or do I need to start over with new crowns?
Hi Paula, This is common. It just takes a while for crowns to settle and grow. Newly planted crowns can emerge very late, which won’t happen with established crowns. As you noted, it is often due to weather but also soil conditions and planting depth. If you would like to check that your crowns aren’t rotted and are growing, you could gently dig into the soil to see if there is activity. Make sure your soil drains well and doesn’t get soggy, but you still need to keep the crowns watered in their first year so they get established. Asparagus enjoys rich, moist soil.
Hi Everyone, I,m not much of a gardener but I,m surrounded by farms and I love asparagus. So I bought some crows from a local guy and planted them on Monday- the French way I guess- trenches 10” deep and covered them with 2” of soil. Well the little puppies are poking their heads out today WED. I’m all excited and will add soil as they grow. Anyone know how often and how much fertilizer one should add?
I am in Central Alberta, Canada zone 2/3. I am wondering if my cold hardy asperagus plants would do well in permanent raised beds ( I am thinking much easier weeding), or would they do better in the ground? Thanks
Where do I purchase asparagus crowns?
Can you cut asparagus when it is raining?
Susan- Generally, it is best to cut asparagus when it is dry in an effort to avoid introducing bacteria to the plant.
I recently bought one Millennium and one Jersey Knight crown(s?) in 12" pots to try and grow asparagus in containers. I have no garden space. The nursery suggested that:
(a) You CAN grow asparagus in containers, though everything I've read suggests they'll be less productive, for fewer years
(b) I should not disturb the plants this growing season until everything dies back, but that in the fall I can transfer them to larger containers.
My plan is to put them into 2 ft x 2 ft x 2 ft cedar planters.
If anyone has any experience, advice, or warnings, I'd be glad to hear. I'm on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, in Zone 7b (although sources vary)
Container asparagus is what brought me here. My brother has had a large successful bed for a few years but lives too far from me to share & I don’t have the room to have a proper bed. So far my 9 plants have all surfaced and all but one have produced ferns. I’m excited to see where this goes & hope to move to a raised bed.