A Perfect Time to See Saturn

Saturn and its rings

Saturn in Opposition

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On Sunday, September 8, Saturn comes into opposition, making for some of the best viewing! Surrounded by the dim stars of Aquarius, the planet’s rings can be seen almost edgewise this year!

Saturn will be visible all night in September 2024, rising in the east shortly after sunset. It will reach its closest point to Earth on September 8, offering the best viewing conditions. After that, Saturn will remain visible in the evening sky until disappearing in the sun’s glare in February 2025.

This image of Saturn’s rings was taken by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft on Sept. 13, 2017. It is among the last images Cassini sent back to Earth. 

It’s even cooler to see Saturn through a telescope to view its beautiful rings. Any telescope will work, since all you need to see the rings is 30x. No matter how cheap or crummy your telescope is, it will amaze you on Tuesday if you point it to Saturn and, for that matter, the Moon, too. The Moon will be just three days before the first quarter—so the Moon’s lighting will be perfect to reveal countless craters, especially on its bottom side, its south side.

Saturn will be in the constellation of Aquarius on Sunday evening. Aquarius is famously one of the 12 well-known zodiac constellations, whose names are also used as the signs in astrology. After all, if at a party you’ve ever told someone you’re a Libra, you may have heard them reply, “Well, I’m an Aquarius.”

Additionally, Saturn is leaving the far southern regions of the Zodiac this year, where it has been for nearly a decade. This low positioning has caused it to be telescopically blurry for the U.S. and Canada, so be sure to look for a clearer view!

Read more about Saturn, The Real Lord of the Rings.

About The Author

Bob Berman

Bob Berman, astronomer editor for The Old Farmer’s Almanac, covers everything under the Sun (and Moon)! Bob is the world’s most widely read astronomer and has written ten popular books. Read More from Bob Berman

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