Hot Water and Cold Blizzards

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Late in January, two winter storms are tag-teaming to flatten the East Coast. Ugh!

Ironically, this cold miserable weather will be brought to you by hot water!

Three late January stormstwo blizzards in the East and El Niño moisture in the West.

Further west, another cold wet storm will pound the US. However, drought-stricken California and Texas will welcome the rain and mountain snow.

This welcome rainfall is also brought to you by hot water.

Whether you are talking about the blizzards in the East or drought-breaking moisture in the West, the moisture originates with the moist water-retaining air coming off the ocean.

North America, surrounded by hot water. No wonder we’re having storms!

In the East, the Gulf Stream is pouring hot tropical waters along our shores. When the cold Arctic air flows south, as it does in wintertime, it first hits the relatively warm Great Lakes, then the warm moist Atlantic air. The cold air cools the lake and ocean air, causing blizzard conditions. In late January, two storms in one week hit the lakes and Atlantic, giving four storms one long, protracted snow event.

In the West, look at the equator. It is not an official El Niño, which is a precise scientific term. However, the conditions are like an El Niño and producing El Niño type weather. Officially, it is only an El Niño Watch. It needs to last longer to officially be an El Niño event. Meanwhile, while we wait for the scientists to make their pronouncement, we are getting the type of wet, drought-breaking weather in the Southwest, that is typical of El Niño. Warm, wet Pacific air is blowing inland and bringing rainfall from California to Texas.

An El Niño Watch condition creates the type of weather typical of weak El Niños. Copyright: Browning Newsletter

So, as you shovel your driveway or grab your skis, just remember: this cold wet weather was brought to you by warm, balmy water!


About The Author

James J. Garriss

With an academic background in international business, James is a writer, editor and researcher for Browning Media LLC, helping to present accurate climatological projections. Read More from James J. Garriss