The Landsdowne portrait of George Washington by Gilbert Stuart (National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution).
The Homemade Eggnog Recipe from Mount Vernon (and the Story Behind It)
If you'd like to see a more descriptive demonstration of this - Check out YT's Max Miller's - Tasting History from about 2 years ago on eggnog. https://youtu.be/7bsHOxQtBW4?si=-HV6JTNEPkCp1LKe
Martha Washington's recipe great cake for Christmas is available online - it is really really great !
So - this seems to be missing the fractions for the Whiskey and Rum (1/2 pint each) and sherry (1/4 pint). Every other website, including one that posts a photo of recipe, uses this amount of liquor.
Hi Melissa, Many thanks. In our update from last year, somehow the fractions did indeed get left off. We’ve updated. Now you can drink double the amount! Just kidding. Of course, remember: this recipe may be apocryphal; no eggnog recipe has been definitively linked to Washington. If you make it, let us know how it goes! And take care!
so basically we're ingesting raw egg? How safe is that?
The bourbon will make it safe
Did you think the egg in eggnog was cooked?
If you’re concerned, just make Eggnog using whole, liquid or pasteurized eggs. Pasteurized eggs are found next to regular eggs at the store. Or, egg substitutes can also be used. These products have also been pasteurized. Using a pasteurized product means that no further cooking is necessary. OR, if you have your own eggs, pasteurize your eggs by slowly bringing the eggnog ‘base’ to 160 °F.
After converting the liquor ingredients to smaller measures in the same proportion, I made a small batch to try. I then mixed the liquor with my favorite store-bought brand of egg nog and it was delicious. The mix of flavors is more complex than the standard Virgin Islands rum flavor found in most commercial egg nogs. My wife and I agreed that a small amount of the liquor enhanced the egg nog but more gave it a very boozy flavor, so start with less and add more to your liking. I will keep a bottle of "George Washington Egg Nog Liquor" on hand. Two thoughts on the liquors: (1) use a dry or semi-sweet sherry, not cream sherry and (2) use a gold or amber Jamaican rum rather than a heavy dark Jamaican rum that will overpower the other flavors. This recipe is a keeper!
I just wonder silly as it may sound. I always buy jumbo eggs and will that effect the recipe in any way if I use as requested the amounts as set forth?