Skip the cut flowers this year and bring home a potted plant
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Very interesting information. Thanks a lot for this. I completely agree with this. It's amazing images. Very good ideas for giving gifts.
Just search Valentines Day TickleMe Plant to grow the only house plant that reacts to affection by closing its leaves when you Tickle it or blow it a kiss!
Hi, Doreen! My dining room is north-facing with a north-facing window. It's narrow and tall so the room is rather dark. Are there plants that you suggest for this room? I love flowers, but greenery is fine, too. Thanks!
Sanseveria will tolerate very low light, and are so forgiving. Great for places that don’t get light, and will last many years!
Aunt Weezie, I can sympathize. I have a sunroom that faces north and east! Had to add a skylight. What grows well in the dark corners of that room are hanging baskets of pothos, spilt-leaf philodendron, ferns, Peace lily (spathaphyllum), primrose (they bloom) and cyclamen. All are green, luxurious and make the house much brighter.
When my husband and I first got together, I put one rule out on the table--no cut flowers as gifts. They're always too expensive (especially around V-Day!) and I don't get the idea of giving something that will wither and die fairly quickly to express one's love.
I've gotten my fair share of potted plants over the years. I adore tulips, but I seem to be able to do better with non-flowering plants.
Great column!
I love buying and getting potted tulips this time of year. After the blooms fade I stick the pot in the basement. Come fall I plant the dried bulbs outside for spring bloom next year. Pick up some bright red tulips for your Valentine!!
Thanks, Doreen. I like the idea of a longer-lasting flower--esp the heart-shaped anthurium. And the idea of sharing this blog with my husband. :-) Happy birthday to you!
I got red anthurium today from husband and my son sent me a catci dish garden for my birthday.