The Meaning and History Behind Ember Days
This must be a Western Church practice. In the Eastern Orthodox Church, all 40 days of Lent and Advent are a time of strict fasting. There are also other fasts such as the Apostles’ Fast in summer and the Dormition of Mary Fast.
Yes! I just heard about that today about the 40 days of Lent in the Eastern Orthodox Church. Beautiful !
Although I've read the term and some associations of Ember Days in historic and/or fantasy novels but had never run across anything concrete to explain them. Thank you! (I do love the Farmer's Almanac!)
How wonderful that several times a year days would be set apart to honor nature's gifts and help those in need.
Never heard of them. I don't think most Christians have ever heard of them.
I’m 74, grew up on the farm in the 50’s and I remember Grandpa and Dad regularly speaking of Ember Days as predicting weather. They both passed when I was in my 20’s and I haven’t heard that term since.
Ember days were more meaningful in the days when people lived more of an agrarian lifestyle. Nowadays, the Church has done away with set days and recommends that bishops establish particular "days of prayer" for current needs like for the fruits of the earth, prayer for human rights and equality, prayer for world justice and peace, and penitential observances outside Lent.
Been around for a long time and I never, ever heard of "Ember Days" !!! I am quite sure that more than the majority of people have never heard of it.
Thanks for the article on “Ember Days.”
I have tried to learn about Ember Days for several years. Your article provides much.
Fasting on Ember Days is a good way to prepare for the Lenten fast. We’re not required inder pain of sin to observe them but it does help us to grow in virtue and defeat the enemy’s malice against us.
The Sensus Fidelium utube channel has a few sermons and talks that explain in more detail the benefits.
Thanks for the utube channel reference. Ember Days, Rogation Days, and other pious reminders like the Angelus have fallen into disuse...and you see where that is letting society "off the hook."