Best Apple Pie, Sweet Potato Pie, and More!
Several years ago while going through old cookbooks and recipes of my grandmother's my sister and I came across a Mock Pecan Pie recipe. It was made with pinto beans instead of pecans and was extremely delicious and I made it for my sister's husband as a Christmas gift because Pecan Pie is his favorite and he never realized there were no pecans. Since then the recipe has become lost and I was wondering if you happens to have a copy. I am unable to eat pecans and LOVED this recipe. I had several helpers when I packed to move closer to my mom and that is when the recipe got lost. If you have one or know where to find one please let me know.
Thanking you in advance.
Hi, Kathleen. We do not have a mock pecan pie recipe in or archives. If you do a google search, include the words “mock pecan pie recipe pinto beans.” Hopefully you will find what are looking for. Good luck.
What ever happened to mincemeat pie?
Peach or brown sugar are my favorites though I've never eaten a pie I did't like.
My favorite flavors are pecan and sweet potato. They are both brimming with flavor.
My Grandparents had the back of the house yard planted with about 4 long rows of Blue Concorde Grapes! So along with working up juice and jams and jellies- we always had homemade fresh Blue Concorde Grape Pie! I can share the recipe and process if anyone would like! My folks married in 1951- according to my Mothers Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook it was the number one pie in America in the 1950's! It's so nice and no- it doesn't taste like jelly!
Hi I would like the recipe if you are still willing to share. Thanks. nunya105@gmail.com
Sounds delicious! We just saw your message but would love to try if you have the recipe to share!
I love reading the Farmers Almanac.
this comes from a old cookbook that was called farmer's Almanac best pies ever and in there was a lemon pie receipe could you find this receipe for me? thanks in fact it was called lemon cream pie in the book. please try and find this for me.