If you have June-bearing strawberries, you mow off the leaves right after harvest. Mow 1 inch above the crowns of the plants with a rotary mower. Then rake up the plant debris. After you mow, narrow the strawberry rows to 8-inch-wide strips. If your strawberry bed is a solid mat of plants, create strips that are 8 inches wide. Keep the younger plants and get rid of the old plants. Space the strips about 2 or 3 feet apart. Then apply fertilizer. Mulch in the late fall once the ground is already cold, and then remove mulch in late April.
If you have June-bearing strawberries, you mow off the leaves right after harvest. Mow 1 inch above the crowns of the plants with a rotary mower. Then rake up the plant debris. After you mow, narrow the strawberry rows to 8-inch-wide strips. If your strawberry bed is a solid mat of plants, create strips that are 8 inches wide. Keep the younger plants and get rid of the old plants. Space the strips about 2 or 3 feet apart. Then apply fertilizer. Mulch in the late fall once the ground is already cold, and then remove mulch in late April.