Learn how to get rid of your earwigs or pincher bugs with these tips.
Preventing an Earwig Infestation
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My Mother absolutely detests earwigs and one summer a few years ago her yard was full of them! She researched all the remedies, trapping, poisoning, and in the end she found the best remedy and has successfully gotten rid of the large numbers. Dawn dish soap (and probably any other dish liquid) and water. Mix it fairly strong....maybe 1 part soap, 4 parts water. Spray that solution on them and they die within seconds...they just curl up, wiggle around, and are dead! She found a large sprayer and would walk around the yard after dark checking her plants (under leaves, all the hot spots) around the foundation of the house and spray like mad! We all laughed at her slinking around in the dark with a flashlight, but it worked! Also keep a small bottle in the house in case you spot one....they can squeeze in little spaces but they can't escape the dish liquid! This shouldn't harm your plants or pets and it really works. If you are diligent enough early in the year you can absolutely reduce their numbers.
Is there something that can be done to get rid of earwigs as they get into the bottom of my hanging pots of flowers and eat the roots. They like it there because of dampness when watering. Thanks
I have earwigs in my new hut and found a white one never seen a white one before I killed it but I have got a lot of black ones what does the white one mean.
Yikes! Silverfish are very similar in shape to earwigs but are silvery-white to pale coppery brown in color. If look closely, instead of pinchers, they have 3 straight tails sticking out in back and they can't fly but are very fast runners. HOWEVER .... Far more damaging than earwigs but they are most damaging to the home rather than the garden ... because they love the indoors and being in homes .... where they feed on paper, glue, books, mail/envelopes, wallpaper, clothing, rugs, cloth furniture, linens, pillows, bedding .... they especially love eating books and paper and cardboard .... AND they also love to invade your pantry items like oats and flour and will eat the labels off of your canned goods.
Sounds like an albino.
Your web site proved it was pincher bugs and now I know how to save my vegetable garden from the unknown bug.....thank goodness it wasn't termites. Looking forward to the info on garden care from you
My cherry tree was looking fine after blossoming, them I looked and most cherries had been killed, leaves chewed up. When I looked, I found a nest of earwigs inside a foil wrapped around the tree to scare birds. I pulled it off but they killed most young cherries on our new tree from last year. I never knew they would attack leaves on tree and eat them.
I come across this little creepy crawlers quite a bit, even sitting outside on my porch every so often I get one crawling up my leg!
After all these years I have never had one pinch me!
Okay, whoa. "Some people think that earwigs use their pincers to pinch. Physically, this is possible, but they can’t exert enough pressure to result in much of anything.".
This is false! When I lived on the farm, my "room" was an old converted schoolbus. One summer after pulling on a shirt from the closet, there was a horribly painful pinching on my belly. I shook out my shirt, to no avail. Panicking, I reached up to brush at the spot and felt something which wouldn't be brushed away! Lifted up my shirt and there, with a tenacious grip on my abs, was a nasty earwig! It *would not* let go, and I had to actually grab the lil sumb*tch and PULL it off me! Kayh is right!
**Many articles say that they ***can not*** pinch with their pinchers**