Gray mold has compromised these Riesling grapes.
Prevent Gray Mold in Your Garden!
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what spray do I have to get to kill gray mold in my plant soil? I've tried all natural ways to get rid of it but nothing working. I believe I need a chemical spray now and I have it in some herd plants too. Its still growing in soil this is dry, I even bleached my whole house and still got it back. please help me.
Also want to know how to rid gray mold from soil.
I think you need to get new soil and put it somewhere else.
all plants in my greenhouse are finished but whats left is heavily infested with botritis. when i remove the plants, spores are going to fill the air. the soil will be covered with spores. my question is; can i use that soil again? can i take the soil outside and add alot of nitrogen to start it composting?
Botrytis spores can be cooked away in a compost pile, but only if the pile reaches upwards of 131°F (55°C) and stays at that temperature for several days. That being said, we wouldn’t recommend using the soil in your greenhouse again, just in case the composting didn’t do the job completely.
thanks for the recommendation. what do you think i can add to the 5 yards of soil to get it hot enough to kill the botritis spores.
i'm thinking, cottonseed meal & straw. i want to be organic & economical.
We had a beautiful willow tree die of this. An elderly neighbor told us to put a black tarp over the entire area after we removed the dying tree for as many days as we could with the sun beating on it. We left it on for several weeks just to make sure. It worked! We planted a new willow about 6 months later and it’s been about 4 years and it’s doing great. I think the heat all day killed it.
is there a natural remedy to correct this problem without using chemical sprays?
Unfortunately, it can be difficult to get rid of gray mold without chemical sprays. We would recommend following our tips like destroying all plants that are infected and making sure that your plants are not in an overly moist environment. The article provides some natural and easy prevention methods that might be able to keep you from having to use a chemical spray.
I just planted some hydrangea. Two days later when I went to water them they have large shiny white patches on most of the leaves. What is the problem?