Would you like to grow longer, thicker, more luxurious hair? Check out our Best Days Calendar for cutting hair to encourage growth and thickness! The dates are based on the Moon’s phases and planetary positions to help you grow (and maintain) a full head of hair and luscious locks.
Would you like to know how to combat hair loss? We look at some causes and treatments.
Do you follow a lunar hair-cutting chart? What have been your experiences with the best days for haircuts?
Check out these tips for natural hair health.
Five Next Best Days
These are the next five best days to Cut Hair to Encourage Growth, based on the Moon’s sign.
- April 1, 2025
- April 11, 2025
- April 12, 2025
- May 8, 2025
- May 9, 2025
This is wonderful information. I am looking to live more by the moon phases and seasonal cycles. Any recommendations on how to …is greatly appreciated!
Thanks for all of the great information given for years!
Im in Europe, are these days applicable in Europe as well or does the moon change according to location and timezones?
Thanks a lot, love your website.
Hi, John,
Our astrology information is calculated for North America; for Europe, results may sometimes (not always) be off by about a day. In general, the dates for astrological best days depend on what factors the astrologer is considering, as well as location/timezone. If a best day considers the Moon’s phase, for example, that can occur on a different date (day before or after) depending on location, if the event happens near midnight. A Moon’s phase happens at the same moment across the globe, but when one needs to convert to a specific time zone, that’s when the event may translate in local time to another day. In that case, for Europe, a few best days may actually occur a day before the one listed; for example, a Moon’s phase that occurred at 10:34 pm Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) on September 17, would have occurred at 4:34 am Central European Summer Time (CEST) on September 16.
If a best day factors in other celestial events, those, too, may sometimes occur on a different date depending on location, if the event is close to midnight. It also depends on the data source that an astrologer consults. Sometimes data is determined for midnight (start of day) and other sources calculate events that occur at noon (such as for Universal Time). For conditions that occur over a range of days, it is possible that the dates listed would sometimes be the same in Europe as they are listed here.
Hope this helps!
Is cutting my hair for growth on “best days” the same for thickness? I don’t care how long my hair gets, I’d just like to get it to thicken up! Thank you.
Can i cut my hair for growth on November 1st friday as i cant do it on d other given dates of November . Im a leo and live in Canada.
One tradition for cutting hair to encourage growth is to do so when the Moon is waxing. November 1, 2024, is during the new Moon phase, which The Old Farmer’s Almanac considers as the start the waxing period (light of the Moon). Some astrologers advise cutting during the new Moon phase itself, others add to that that the Moon should be in a water or earth sign for best results. For November 1, the Moon is in the astrological sign of Scorpio, which is a water sign. So, if you can not cut your hair on the dates that our astrologer found the best of the best, then, by some traditions, November 1 should be a good alternate choice. Hope this helps!
does it matter when i cut my hair for growth on any of those november dates for hair growth?
Hi, Destiny,
Any of those days, and any time within those days, should be fine.
Hope this helps!
Editors, but calendar day is not the same as lunar day... for example, today`s lunar day was since 5 in the morning until 9 30 at evening where i am from... it is not anytime, sometimes lunar day has even weirder timing.