Why winter is cold if the Earth is closer to the Sun
“Think about what happens when you turn off the burner on an electric stove—it does not cool down to room temperature instantly, but instead remains hot for a while, until it finally reaches room temperature.” But the burner does immediately stop getting hotter and pretty quickly begins to get cooler. It does not continue to get warmer after the energy source is removed. But the earth continues to get warmer for 2+ months after solstice, or maximum sun exposure (summer in N, winter in S).
Beautifully explained; it was a sheer pleasure to read.
Thank you
I’m sure I read before that the coldest day of the year was typically Jan 17-19. Here it says February, which one is right ?
I think the explanation of weather changes was very well written and clearly explained. If HLBent, or whoever it was, didn't read it carefully, that is not the author's fault.
It's not that the Earth is closer to the Sun that makes winter colder or summer warmer-it's because of the Earth's "tilt" away from the sun in winter that makes the Northern Hemisphere colder and the Southern Hemisphere warmer. Right??
Although I never thought to ask this question, this answer was so very well written, the information is easily understood. Using the flashlight example was brilliant. The reverse makes sense as to why July/August produces hotter temperatures. Thank you.
I find it interesting that even with the global internet we still think as if we are all in the same back yard.
Why is it getting colder? Ever been to Australia this time of year? Your article is good, but only applicable to your location you describe. We could just as easily ask why is February Hot this time of year. Or am I being too picky about astronomy?
Wondering who the photographer is for that fascinating photo of the blizzard over water, at the top of this article.
Hi, LiftS, Thank you. The photo comes from our stock library and is free to use if you wish. We appreciate your interest in The Old Farmer’s Almanac! Sincerely, your OFA editors
February definitely coldest! Here is Texas that's when we get our snow and ice. From 20-24 we had winter weather every year but I will say the last 2 years we've had January events so who knows. This year has been extremely cold though.