Plastics Recycling Chart: Can You Recycle That?
As stated here, (thank you very much), plastic group #1 PET, PETE can absorb bacteria, (which I did not know), and as stated in many other reports. Toxic chemicals they come in contact with. Including those released by other plastics. So it accured to me if retrieved plastic could be identified and determined to have absorbsion left. Could be bundled and used to recover micro/nano plastic waste from the
Mariana trench. Which has been found to a high concentration of plastic remnants.
Then dispose of as best as possible.
Thank you for this article! Recent peer reviewed studies have shown humans have 50% more plastic particles in on brains than we did in 2016. We have plastic, with their associated chemicals, in our lungs and elsewhere in our bodies. My kitchen is plastic free - until I bring home groceries. Although I buy in glass or metal as much as possible, many necessary food items are still packaged in plastic (even organic foods!). When we wear some types of synthetic clothing, we are further poisoning our bodies and our immediate environment. Our government knows these things yet refuses to insist on safe alternatives.
All plastics can be recycled.!!!’
By a process called pyrolization
where the plastics are heated in a closed environment (ie oxygen free so they don’t burn) See:
This works for any organic material, so food waste does not need cleaning off the plastic, in fact the process can be used for garden waste too!!!’ )
The process reduces, and produces the material back to basic ingredients, that can be used to produce new plastic’s, for fuel and all the other things that are
derived from other hydrocarbons, that would otherwise be produced by the oil or gas industries!!’
It is a process that needs development, and used more widely in the recycling
industry, today, and for the future of our children, to reduce landfills that harm the environment.!!!’ ຈل͜ຈ
More reasons to make and use hemp containers. Biodegradable and sustainable. I’m left with a bunch of 5pp because nobody will take them for recycle. Recycling industry can’t keep up with all the different plastics being made, but they keep on making them out of our precious resources
seconding this ✌🏼😀
One way to save millions of tons of PET is to boycott bottled water!
Here in Germany tap water is absolutely safe to drink (it's the most closely controlled foodstuff, constantly checked for pollutants). Despite this, 10 billion litres of bottled mineral water (which is less stringently controlled) are sold each year, not counting soft drinks like cola! These bottles of water are then transported over long distances - a huge waste of energy and source of CO².
Buy a reusable stainless steel bottle and drink tapwater. You also save a LOT of money!! The cheapest mineralwater in the supermarket cost 90 time more than tapwater!
Glass is by far the best material for containing food, it is non contaminating and eminently recyclable!!!!
But unfortunately it is very heavy especially when compared with plastics, this adds greatly to the cost of transport, and the fuel pollution resulting from that!!!’ Also where as in the past, glass was almost all recycled, and reused, a small redeemable cost being added at purchase, that has now ceased, so sad, as a kids we used to hunt down any
bottle with a deposit to redeem pocket change!!!’ Happy days!!’ ຈل͜ຈ
its hard not to use it but i started buying bottled water,mayo ,mustard etc in glass containers.Its just me but its a start.I wont buy anything in styrofoam .Its very hard to avoid plastics plus its made from petroleum
Can you recycle any of the materials listed above if they are used for food. I heard that if it has food “waste” on it like some form of plastic bowl/plate it is not recyclable, it is considered contaminated and thrown in land fill. Also, what goes into a compost collection pile? I do believe many cities are collecting sorted materials. But, because it’s a complicated and costly process, many cities aren’t paying a sorting facilities to pull out the materials that can be recycled or reused. I have shared this article with my family and friends. I will print and hang a copy for easy reference in my recycling area. Thank you for very thorough and helpful information and advice that we can use daily. I read the Almanac every day and I am really impressed by your publication. Julie, a long time Almanac fan.
I reiterate my commitment above as I think this process should be
All plastics can be recycled.!!!’
By a process called pyrolization
where the plastics are heated in a closed environment (ie oxygen free so they don’t burn!!’)
This works for any organic material, so food waste does not need cleaning off the plastic, in fact the process can be used for garden waste etc too!!!’ )
The process reduces/produces the
material back to basic ingredients, that can be used to produce new plastic’s, for fuel and all the other things that are derived from other hydrocarbons, that would otherwise be produced from the oil or gas industries!!’
It is a process that needs development, and used more widely in the recycling industry, today, and for the future of our children, to reduce landfills that harm the environment.!!!’ ຈل͜ຈ