Put Your Christmas Tree to Good Use!
I would disagree about #2 using it as a yule log as there could be a creosote build up especially if the fireplace is not used often. Also place it outside and over the winter and spring it will decompose. Obviously dear author has not done this. We have 2 to 3 year old trees that have not yet decomposed completely.
We take our tree down before New Year's Day. I do a fir tree, or sometimes a young Cedar, taken from my property ...
After the tree has done its holiday duty I put the drying corpse into my pond as a Crappie bed...the Fir breaks down by the time the fish are ready to spawn & the debris makes a great shelter for the eggs & hatchlings...
The Cedar needs a year to decompose, creating a structured 'home' for both the Crappie & Bass ... Both of which live-feed. On the other's hatchlings but the tree provides the babies hideouts so that enough survive to grow my fish population...
Our local animal rehabilitation (wildlife) will take them if you drop them off (cleaned of decorations).
There is a goat farm near my home that asks for donations of old Christmas trees every year. Apparently, the goats love to snack on the trees. The farmer says, “it’s like an ice cream cone for them.”
Are there any ideas to recycle an artificial Christmas tree???? Ours is dropping needles so we are going to replace it and I was wondering if anybody knows what we can do with the old one other than leaving it for garbage pick up.
best bet is to get rid of it because it could be a hazard if put outside; I would recommend you buy a living Pine Tree next season; then plant it in Spring~
My kids hated to see any Christmas tree discarded, so we put ours outside with bird treats such as pine cones rolled in peanut butter and bird seeds, slices of orange and apple strung on the branches, popcorn and cranberries as mentioned in the article and suet melted with bird seeds cooled and cut into shapes and placed in net onion bags and tied onto the branches. In spring when it was time for the garden to go in, we used the tree to grow pole beans and climbing peas. When the fall came, the tree was cut up and used in our fire pit on chilly evenings. Total recycling, and it honours the tree as well as being useful.
Those are all great uses! Thanks for sharing.
Drop your tree in a lake, tank, or pond to provide a hiding place for baby fish and small fish to grow.