It's Hot, Hot, Hot this Summer! See Average Temperatures for Your Region
In lower Alabama between Mobile and Pensacola F, 20 miles from the Gulf of Mexico. I have three temp/humidity gages, and they have similar readings within a degree, so fairly accurate. I have the temp & Hum reading to determine the Heat Index, the real air feelings. The Internet has many web sites for info. Pray for winter.
July 7, 2024 Readings: Temp 115, Humidity 80%, no Heat Index as the HI was off the chart.
2nd readings at 3:30pm: Temp 122, Humidity 26% Heat Index 145.4 degs.
For interest a web page to determine the Heat Index, just enter the Temp and Humidity and the HI answer will appear, it does the calculation. The site: Meteorological Conversions and Calculations
If interested in the formula:
HI = -42.379 + 2.04901523T + 10.14333127R - 0.22475541TR - 6.83783x10-3T2
- 5.481717x10-2R2 + 1.22874x10-3T2R + 8.5282x10-4TR2 - 1.99x10-6T2R2
where T = ambient dry bulb temperature (°F)
R = relative humidity (integer percentage)
"When is the Hottest Day of the Year?"
When the temperature for any one day exceeds the temperature of all of the other days of the year!
OK, wise guy! :D
The heat wave has been pretty steady here in Wyoming, since the middle of June. We started off cool and wet then a huge change to steady heat. We have hit 115* , with the weather channel saying we were, really 102* Generally, when the weather channel says what it will be, we are always 10* hotter or cooler! This week we are now edging up into the low 100's. So we will see! Extreme drought in our area and a real challenge to have a garden. Stay cool everyone!
The NOAA map is pretty accurate for our area this year. We concluded our third heatwave (3+ days of 90 degree temps in a row) on July 17th. The third heatwave was 6 days long. 90 degree temps are expected next week as well. We are VERY thankful we don't hit the 100+ temps in our area very often. Unfortunately, rainfall is delegated to severe thunderstorm watches, with hit or miss precipitation. We continue to water the gardens. Hey . . . it's summer in S.E. Pennsylvania!
Here have been many 100+F days since June this summer. Now, a long string of days in the low 90’s. We’re in the Sierra foothills at 1600’ elevation. It’s hot!
Have lived in Florida for 42 years. This year has been typical for heat, but not for rain. Only 2 inches in July and although almost 7 inches was officially reported for June - not at my house!! My gardens are really drooping. I can't wait for cooler weather.
When I was a kid in the 50's and 60's, I wore short sleeves from Valentines Day until Halloween in Houston. Summer had brief showers and the raindrops were warm. Warm summer rain ended in the 90's. Then cool days extended from Valentines Day. By the 00's, warm days started in April, then May. This year, June was the end of spring. Only July was hot. And cool temps begin in Sep, not Nov, like my childhood. And spring has many non-humid days. Houston weather is getting better! (Couldn't get much worse!)
As a Southern California native living in Virginia for the past 20 years (as of August 23rd), I have had to get used to "yucky" humid weather and nights that don't cool off because there is no such thing as an "offshore flow.." But, the upside is that we have 4 real seasons here, even if recently Spring tends to be too short, as it often seems to go from Winter into Summer with hardly a pause. From the map it appears that our hottest day traditionally has been in mid-July, so the worst, I hope, is over. In July of this year, I ran the a/c non-stop for over two weeks -- the electric bill was huge! Can hardly wait until fall.
Weather in Jonesboro, arkansas has been more spring-like than summer...we'll see what August brings