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I worked at a prison in Ohio where the chapel had a garden and somewhere they had gotten a bulb for the large corpse flower it did manage to bloom a few times over the years and when it did the hallway in the chapel was one stinky spot.
I have one I think it's about to bloom and would like to show some pictures of what it looks like now and maybe someone can tell me I live in Washington
While in college I was very interested in the Corpse Flower as I was building my ceramic final show. I ended up doing an interpretation of the flower. I would love to have some of the flowers for myself.
Question: Is it the giant corpse flower that blooms every decade... or was i looking at a fluke site?
I moved into a house about 13 years ago and a few springs later this plant started growing next to the southeast corner of the front porch....then just a matter of a few weeks later the plant was HUGE, then came this shoot up from the center, with a most interesting mottled stem (stalk?). Then an amazing dark maroon "roll" started to unfurl. To my amazement it was the most beautiful Calla Lily type bloom.......But, OMG, what a nasty smell! And the flies flocked to it, and consiquently onto our enclosed front porch, each time the door was opened, then into the house they came!!!
The smell from that thing was absolutely rotten.....needless to say, it was dug up and hauled to the landfill...now we have babies coming up and we dig them out as soon as the greenery shows.
WHY ANYONE WOULD WANT ONE OF THESE NASTY SMELLING PLANTS ANY WHERE CLOSE TO THEIR HOUSE IS A MYSTERY TO ME. My neighbors were real happy when that plant went out into the bed of our truck, and down the road to the county landfill!
I can not believe that anyone in their right mind would want one of these IN the house.....YUK!
Amorphophallus does well in hot, humid climates. In So. Texas, you can plant it in the ground and leave it. The bulb will bloom, produce foliage and then go dormant. The cycle will be repeated every year.
You can buy bulbs from Plant Delights Nursery; they have a site on the Web. Also, put 'Konjac' bulbs in a search engine to find more retail sources.
I got my bulb at a local farmers market. Look for them there, too.
Any ideas where I may purchase one of these bulbs???
Are these one in the same? Are thay readily available?? I live in So. Texas. do you think thay areable to handle the heat??
Where I might get one?? ANY help would be appreciated.