How Many Eggs Should A Chicken Lay Each Day?
what the what
I'm hoping and praying you will answer me. I have a girl( Bessie) I took in because my nephew was a very bad owner. Her two I'll call them sisters died of maltreatment which is why I took her. Put her on a good diet got her a nice coop and small yard. She soon started laying. Because of so many stray cats in our neighborhood I only let her roam whenever i collected her eggs or was just outside. She's done well and follows me around. She recently stopped laying but I have no intention of killing her for meat or otherwise. Not that I see anything wrong with that but I allowed myself to bond with her. She's almost 5 and I can see her slowing and she's also losing feathers like crazy. I recently Cought a juvenile possum in her cage eating her food but fixed her cage so it couldn't get back in. We had gotten some chick's a while back so she wouldn't be alone but because of our in experience it didn't go well. We did have them separated but she constantly tried to get at them. Life happens and we let them stay apart. I want to introduce them slowly( I've read up on how this time) but worry this will cause her even more stress. Seems I had a question when I started writing this now I just don't remember what it was. Is losing feathers like this normal, is she at the end of her life, would I be more humane if I put her down, do you think it's still possible to introduce her to the others? ( 3 hens and 1 jerk rooster they sold is on accident) those girls have free roaming because although that rooster is a menace( especially to my husband😂) he's a very good protector. I've read lots from others but for some reason after reading you I feel yourwho I want to hear these answers from. You have a heart for them but your also realistic. I'm sure o have a lot of errors but I'm but going to reread or I'll end up erasing or all cause I really feel awful but just about asking you all this but also as her owner and protector. I'll be thankful for any advice.
Maggie- I keep my old gal separate and am willing to just let her live out her life. Chickens can live 15 years or more. When she gets sick and it is obvious she is not recovering I will do a quick death with a sharp knife.
Thank you for this article. I have had a hand full of chickens going on 5 years. It all started with 1 chick my daughter found in a parking lot, lol! I took her and hand raised her in the house just like a pet. We added 2 more in the second year. Then 5 last year. I have 3 new chicks coming in a week. So mine are staggered out in age. I had done research on haw to humanely put a chicken down right away. So I would know what to do in case I need to. We love the chickens and as long as they live we will keep them. I have an old age run set up already. My husband is so attached that I can't even talk to him about killing a chicken but I would never let one suffer. You really made me feel better at the end of the article. I have a block and nails set up. Also a very heavy cleaver. So thank you.
I enjoyed reading your story. Back in the day we used to call “ chickens” Hens, I equate the name Chicken with food like Kentucky fried Chicken. Maybe we could start calling these wonderful creatures “ Hens”
An old small plastic kid's pool. use electrical tape & tape their legs together. when you capitate, their head lay them in the kid pool they will not flop, spray, sling blood everywhere. keep blood confined to keep predators & vermin away helps.
We have found that hanging the hen by the legs with the head down calms them. They don't struggle at all. Then a quick cut with a sharp knife while holding the head severs the head.
Great topics, my first time having chickens. I have 7. Really enjoy them.
I use a cone. I put them in there, and let them relax. Then I cut the neck off. Let the blood drain on a bucket. It is wonderful for the garden. I think that if they have time to relax, it makes the meat more tender.
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