The Year Without a Summer
Dang I guess I am not a very good almanacker . For the past two years i have predicted Snow in June and it hasn't happened. But it sure was a cold spring last year and this year it was not the best one either. Ash from erupting volcanoes thousand of miles away affect the entire Earth's atmosphere and blocks the sun rays from getting to the ground to warm it. Think of it as Mother Nature's extreme SPF FORMULA. Also I read that if the Yellowstone Park basin ever erupted , that life as we know it on Earth might come if not entirely but sure darn close to the end. In the 1950's and 1960's the phrase Nuclear Winter had been thrown around if we had ever had a Nuclear war with all the dust brought up into the atmosphere from the detonations. Well maybe no Nuclear Winter now , but a Volcanic Winter could happen. Gee I hope that comment does not come true . But then I could be the one who says " I told you so " . LOL
I distinctly remember snow in 1966 in Grasslake, Michigan on July 5th... It did not last long, was completely melted in an hour. It was my birthday, and kids just don't forget or confuse that date! Of course, my parents swear they don't remember it...
In Newfoundland, it was not uncommon to have a snow fall in early June, but rarely, if ever into July...until THIS year...July 2nd, 2018. Gander got about an inch of the white stuff. What ever happened to global WARMING?
We had snow in Wyoming on the 4th of July in the 60s (not sure of the year because I was too young to care!). I remember going to visit my grandmother and there were snowmen in people's yards.
I've seen it snow in the mountains of Wyoming in July.
I don't remember the exact year. I was a teen. But it snowed on our Fourth of July Parade. We were running a 4-H booth selling drinks and snacks. We sold very little cold drinks but we ran out of coffee in short order.
Im not sure if all was real but I was told that July 63 there was an snowstorm that blanketed the Southern areas. It was a rough year for all they had to travel on foot being the snow so was so deep. Amazing to know of this transformation earth went thru.
Read DARK WINTER by John Casey. He writes about solar cycles and the affects on earth's weather. He specifically writes about 1816. He also writes about the cold cycle the planet is entering now. Interesting stuff.
Yes I have seen it snow during a 4th of July parade in Pittsfield Ma. either in 1965 / 1966.. it was fantastic... but again it did stop within 30 minuets.
I'm 72 and live in North Adams and also remember that. Back then it was not uncommon to wear a parka to the fireworks. I also remember when we got 2 inches of snow on Mother's Day and it took out a lot of my early plants. I was living out on South Mountain Road in Pittsfield at the time so it had to be somewhere in the mid to late 70's. :-)