
Lavender Lemon Chocolate Chip Pancakes

Photo Credit
Attar Herbs

Baking With Lavender

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Try cooking with herbs! This lavender lemon chocolate chip pancake recipe was a huge hit with my family, and is great treat for any brunch or special occasion!

Lavender Used for Cooking

Lavender, belonging to the mint family, is a perennial herb that has more of a reputation for belonging in the spa with it’s delicate, fragrant purple-blue flowers and for its aroma-therapeutic stress-relieving properties rather than it’s culinary properties.


However, used correctly in cooking and lavender can add a sweet and floral undertone that can bring a touch of magic to your meals. The trick with using lavender is to not overuse. It can tend to taste like soap if overdone so best to follow the rule that “less is more”.  

When adding to a recipe remember that dried lavender will be more potent and concentrated than fresh lavender (roughly 1 dried to 1/3 fresh) so adjust accordingly. In the winter and early spring we rely on dried lavender buds because we’re still covered in a thick blanket of snow!

What better way to usher in spring then with a sweet and fragrant stack topped with some locally made maple syrup which is aplenty right now. Here's to spring, renewal and botanical usefulness…

Lavender Lemon Chocolate Chip Pancake Recipe

1 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1 ½ cup milk
1 Tbsp baking powder
3 Tbsp vegetable oil or melted butter
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 Tbsp sugar
pinch of salt
1 large egg
1 lemon zest
1 tsp grd lavender flower (grinding releases the volatile oils that make it smell so lovely)
1 tsp whole lavender flower (this is for visual appeal)
1/2 cup dark chocolate chips (or to your liking)

Combine all dry ingredients in a bowl. Whisk together wet ingredients in a separate bowl and stir into dry ingredients. Fold in Chocolate chips. Cook on a lightly oiled or buttered skillet on medium-high heat. Top pancakes with a few whole lavender buds while cooking, before you flip for visual appeal. Enjoy with pure Maple Syrup.

About The Author

Melissa Spencer

Melissa Spencer is a flower farmer, writer, and dirt-worshipper living in the Monadnock Region of Southern NH. Read More from Melissa Spencer

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