How to Plant Myrtle
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vinca came to my garden by accident. It was in a purchased arrangement and I made the mistake of dumping at the back of the garden in the fall. It is now finally gone after years of pulling it out from everywhere. It is highly invasive and if it gets into the forest, I live in one, it destroys all the beauty growing there. Jack in the pulpits, trillium etc. Please do not encourage anyone to plant this vinca.
My grandmother always called this plant "myrtle," and thereafter i have always encountered it being called "periwinkle." What is the origin of the "myrtle" name? Is it a reference to its commonality?
Is nov too late to plant Myrtle in Cleveland area
I am considering planting periwinkle ground cover in the same bed as my azalea bushes. Will it be a problem for the azaleas? Also, I've seen several different sources, suggesting several different spacing lengths for them. I have bare root periwinkle. What is the proper amount of space between each plant?
Periwinkle can be useful as a useful ground cover and a weed killer, especially on an incline or hill to prevent erosion, but note that it can also be invasive in some zones so it may need to be controlled with regular trimming and growing. If you plant, just keep up with it. Don’t let it spread where you don’t want it. However, you mentioned the same bed as azalea bushes. We would raise a caution using periwinkle with azaleas or other perennials and ornamental shrubs or trees in because it could spread and suppress their growth as well. Perhaps consider hostas or ferns for a nice green contrast that reduces the legginess of azalea shrubs. We also like sedum, especially Autumn Joy. Periwinkle may compete with the azaleas and could stunt them and move on to take over the rest of the garden bed!
I'm shocked at this article promoting the use of this vile plant. So so many people ripping it out. It'll take over everything and be your bane for years. A sterile non native that does nothing good for anything. You'll regret it.
Will periwinkle plants climbing on the trunk of maple trees kill the tree? The trees are very large and the periwinkle is beginning to spread rapidly. Should I be concerned? Maybe pull it off and away from the trunk and bottom of the tree?
Your periwinkle is unlikely to cause problems for the tree, but if you’d like to be absolutely sure, you can pull the periwinkle back about six inches from the trunk just to give the tree some breathing room. This will ensure that moisture doesn’t build up at the tree’s base and cause rot.
our landscaper planted myrtle in two different places, we love it and it is spreading very well, but we have grass growing up in in, and in the one spot a ton of grass, and yes he did lay down cover over the dirt====any way to get that grass out with out having to spend hours pulling it===
How do i control all the other weeds around the vinca? Is there any recommended weed controls that won't harm the Vinca, while killing the weeds? This area is a sunny spot